The Picture of Dorian Gray (Unabridged) (Оскар Уайльд).

"The Picture of Dorian Grey" by Oscar Wilde is an unconventional story that follows the protagonist, Dorian, and his reaction to the dark arts that tempt him. The novel is a meditation on morality and the nature of human desire, set against a backdrop of artistic and intellectual environments in Victorian England where fine arts, morality, and religion were the subject of constant debate. Dorian is drawn to mysterious arts and experiences, eager to explore and enjoy life but faced with the tragic consequence of embracing the very temptations that bring him to despise himself and ultimately ruin his soul.

The novel's complex plot swings between the telling of Dorian's stories of how he has lived and grown in the world and the development of Dorian himself into a figure of darkness and decay. As he clings to his own vanity and seeks pleasure, Dorian loses himself in his ardent desire for beauty; as the desires that lead to violence and corruption awaken in him, they lead him on a path of self-destruction. Meanwhile, in his attempts to shield from the world outside, Dorian grows increasingly isolated and even alienated from those closest to him, as his own self-deceptions and sins are uncovered to all. With deep sensuality and intense characterization that brings each character to life, Wilde creatively raises compelling moral questions about the nature of beauty, power, death, love, and of course, murder. The Picure of Dorin Gray invites the reader to think for himself and ponder the dark and forbidden sides of the human spirit.

Сказка for adults. Full of metaphors, they become obscures as falling into a frightening world! London holds its acceptance of the alien, far-off from the youthful dreams and tightrope walking. Here - ethics don tactics, social status becomes more prevalent than cleanb licklife. But you live in Wales.


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The Picture of Dorian Gray (Unabridged) (Оскар Уайльд).

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