Phantastische Geschichten, Teil 1: Das Schiff (Oliver Döring).

Phantastischen Geschichten Teil I Das Schiff by Oliver Döringe

Phantasticae Criticse Part One The Ship is a science fiction novel written by Oliver Doering. It is an interstellar space opera setting various novel in a well-detailed science fictional universe.

Part ONE: The Ship Oliver Döringer takes us on a journey through the universe with a tale of a beautiful girl, Edel, and her romance with Orrin, a fascinating intergalactic boy. These two lovers must join forces with their comrades to defeat the unspeakable generals who are trying to destroy and enslave the entirety of their galaxy. Along the way they conquer wonders ranging from fantastic beasts to giant bugs and sea monsters, while dreaming of achieving and matching the greatest of epic dreams.


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Phantastische Geschichten, Teil 1: Das Schiff (Oliver Döring).

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