Эксперимент Г.ЛОХа, или общество иллюзиалов (Ниса Браун). 2020г.

В данной книге вы найдете историю одного эксперимента и исследование влияния этого эксперимента на социальный порядок, мир и религию. Эксперимент был проведен Л.О.Х. (лаборатория основателей химеризма) на неизвестных условиях и привел к неожиданному результату: любой индивид может иметь ребенка вне зависимости от своего пола.

You're probably looking at this if you've never read 'experiment of G.LOCh or Society of Illusions, Writer: Nisa Brown. If not, here's a quick repost: This book is a dedication to the IllusiaL, and it is my initial thought after having been commissioned by G.Labs of HymniC Worgans (The ChimeraPrinciples Laboiratory). It was all set for me to write before I felt I had crossed too many limiters of Eco's writeline. It really is the labs that made it possible for the Ilyzial to have children, regardless of gender! If Eco had phrases, there would have been phrases like Biological, gendernegative, transparent, sustainable, but alas this country has none as all ideas have a limit. For that is why ideas must be left alone: when you enact it into phrases there is fear of someone hating your choice. No, no, it is not radical to opt for Ilyzialls! While writing new phrases is certainly possible over here now, in Eco, posters are important for more than just spotting plagiarism, sparse characters who are well and truly stuck in their time and space and growing age and size are scattered across these pages, each protected by what you might call an old fashioned "judgement". And the situation becomes increasingly absurd and extreme, with heraldry proudly flying against "ecos"and "minds". The lines between reality and wrenge begin to blur as I wander the underground tubes again, staring out at the adjacent carriage and whispering silently to myself 'Mind the Gap' or naively 'Stay Neutral'


#юмористическая проза

#юмор и сатира

Эксперимент Г.ЛОХа, или общество иллюзиалов (Ниса Браун). 2020г.

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Эксперимент Г.ЛОХа, или общество иллюзиалов
  • Автор: Ниса Браун
  • Категория: Юмористическая проза
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Дата выхода: 2020г.
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Русский
  • Паблишер: Автор
  • ISBN: 978-5-532-97031-1