Thor und der Schild des Ägirs (Nicole Seidel).

Thor and the Shield of Aegir is the fourth novel released by Nicole Seidel, and continues the story that started in her previous novels, Moon Lord and Jupiter's Shield. In this story, Greek gods come to visit Walhall and seem to have stolen some items, leaving Odin no choice but to send his son, Thor, to retrieve them. Thor must journey to Hades, the land of the dead, and face challenges in order to gain the stolen items.

The book is a fantasy adventure set in a world where gods and monsters co-exist, taking readers on a mesmerizing journey of deception, betrayal and action packed battles.

Когда боги греческого пантеона пришли в Вальхаллу, там не доставало некоторых вещей. Отец всех богов Один отправляет своего сына, Громовержца Тора, чтобы вернуть их обратно. Тор должен до самого Аида проложить себе дорогу и пройти испытание…



Thor und der Schild des Ägirs (Nicole Seidel).

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