In Debt To The Enemy Lord (Nicole Locke).

"У тебя есть долг, который нужно отдать. Ты должна мне свою жизнь".

Анвен, незаконнорожденная дочь Бринмора, изо всех сил пыталась найти свое место в мире. Но ей пришлось пересмотреть все свои взгляды, когда ее от смерти спас враг Тиг, лорд Гвалчду. Вместо того, чтобы отпустить ее, он держит Анвен в плену...

Тиг никому не доверяет. Поэтому, получая зловещие угрозы своей жизни, он вынужден держать Анвен под присмотром, как бы сильно ее присутствие его ни муч

У тебя есть долг, который необходимо заплатить. Ты обязан мне жизнью».

In Debt To the Enemy Lord by Nicole Locke is a compelling retelling of the Trojan War from Anwen's perspective, featuring the godlike Teague—a character known for his indifference and solar tendencies in other books by Locke.

Set in a world where Indo-European myths mingle with Welsh legends and ancient Irish history, this novel follows Anwen, a brave young woman who's being trained as a warrior to defend her clan against violence all around. When spurred on by Teague's shouts Anwen combat mortally wounded Thaloren until forced to flee by sheer coincidence into Teague's arms.

Teague is ruthless in the eyes of those around him—used to stepping out of others' boundaries and challenging them to prove his superiority. Whilst clearly holding some interest in Anwen (Gweled y Byd, "the girl from Brynmuer") it's easy to understand why he keeps her imprisoned. She's a constant reminder of what Anwen can become if he does not intervene, and makes him wonder just how far he would go—if pushed.

The chemistry between these two is palpable, however, and as their time together deepens and intensifies, Teague's belief in Anwen grows. Could this truly be the force required to clear the air between them? Comic and poignant, In Debt to the Enemy Lord is a ravishing read that shines a light on ancient myths and lore, rich with texture and passion.


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In Debt To The Enemy Lord (Nicole  Locke).

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