Tiny Ruins (Unabridged) (Nicole Haldoupis).

Tiny Ruins by Nicole Haldoup is a fantastic novel that is sure to leave you mesmerized. It begins with the unexpected death of a young woman in a seemingly random manner. Soon after, her friend Emma begins to investigate the mysterious circumstances surrounding her death.

As Emma's investigation progresses, she uncovers a web of intrigue, betrayal, and conspiracy that pulls her into a world beyond her understanding. The deeper she digs, the more dangerous her search becomes, as she risks being caught up in a deadly game of cat and mouse.

Throughout the journey, Emma encounters a group of characters who form an intricate web of secrets and deceits. Each character has a purpose in the larger scheme and it is up to Emma to piece together who they are and why they choose the course they do.

Despite the intensity of her investigation, Emma finds herself drawn into the deeper secrets of the tiny ruins. As she journeys deeper into the maze, she comes face to face with dilemmas that force her to decide between morality and self-preservation.

Together with her trusty sidekick Lola, Emma works hard to uncover the truth behind these tiny ruins and shatters myths in the process. Along the way, she also discovers that there are greater forces at work in this desolate place, which threatens to overwhelm her frail mind.

The end of the book is thrilling and unexpected, leaving the reader on edge for the second volume. Tiny Ruin's by Nicole Haldown is an atmospheric and thought-provoking novel that will keep you up late at night if you ever want to know more about a woman whose mysterious death leads the story off on an unconventional road trip that questions morality, reality, and the powerful.

Nicole Haldoupis’s Tiny Ruins is a quirky and lyrical novel about sisters Claudia and Oonagh, an orphaned local girl and a tempestuous Londoner, stepping into one another’s lives and their paternal grandmother Jessica’s after visiting an apparently deserted island in Bermuda. With each turn of the pages the truth slowly unravels, treasures distastefully unearthed, memories vividly reawakened, friendships unexpectedly sought. For small girls like Jean and Jessica, finding each other means promise, and for grown women like Claudia, true love demands remembered laughter, laughter that nothing can extinguish. Love—in the form of rubbing a mysterious stone on the supposedly useless Queen Elizabeth I statue in this journal; the semi-asphyxiating air of childhood as they hide in English forests with various between-class charges, Susie Flower for one, whose existence personifies tricks and delusions of privilege; in the telescopic camaraderie and adult solidarity of an inner rainbow; and the headship she bestowed overasmall little girl when Oonagh arrives.

Perverse things begin immediately—stories of local goings-on are volatile, animals disappear, insects too turn violent, the water is bathed in green slime, the sky turns black, buildings are annihilated by invisible forces. Out of this comes the terrifying revelation that the reason Rockcreek Place has been forbidden from sight for 200 years is because linked to a stone that lays buried in the garden—a source of universal power that if aroused, could wipe out the world as thought of in the Bible, Adam and Eve, The Great Deluge. Sure enough, this proves correct: messiahs arrive to bring the end to the world, then escape. As they jaunt back to England embarking upon a regular holiday beachside retreat, matters explode through to stormy relations between the two sisters, growing deeper suspicions, coincidental conspiracies spill into each other’s everyday worlds with life altering consequences. From this follows a go between friendship and awkward intimacy full of destructive secrets, wearing each other down, exposed by the corrosive vulnerability of bodies lying naked, mutual dareS. To be punished or to fail, or not to teach chaos from ruin but call it miraculous rebirth? Then everything comes together showing Haldou pis's talent at tying knots and spinning spells, telling an unforgettable story, an unsettling island tale of terrible dread held in breathtaking suspense to daunting and compelling effect, vitality and warmth enlisted in Haldoplis* Tiny Ruins.'

В подвалах винных магазинов и старых, заброшенных зданиях можно найти следы человеческого присутствия. Howells' Review of Unabridged Books, восхищается способностью Хальдопис к "непринужденной, спокойной прозе". "Хальдопис не только умело управляет передними планами своих персонажей, втягивая читателей в их личную борьбу. Благодаря ее тщательной работе с языком и структурой конфликтов, мы становясь соучастниками исканий и невзгод главных героев." Translated into 25 languages, and a nominee for the PEN/Faulkner Award of Fiction, Tiny Ruins is «Требуется перевод» Тони Моррисона, автора Mississippi Queen, снова с нами! Так что насладитесь увлекательным рассказом гречанки Николы Хальдопус - приятным душе on-line путешествием в мир послевоенной Америки.


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Tiny Ruins (Unabridged) (Nicole Haldoupis).

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