"Jake's Angel" by Nicole Foster is a heart-warming and suspenseful novel that explores the emotional and physical effects of a forbidden love between a man and a woman who believe themselves to be fundamentally incompatible.

Jake Coulter, a Texas ranger with a deep wound in his arm, visits Isabel Bradshaw, an elderly woman who many consider to be a witch, to seek help. During their brief encounter, Jake quickly realizes that beneath her seemingly harsh exterior, Isabel possesses healing powers that set his senses on fire. As they grow closer, new emotions arise as Jake struggles with making a choice between protecting his now-fallen spirit and meeting a heartfelt ending.

As Jake and Isabel find themselves faced with terrifying forces disrupting their love story, they will have to either act together and break free from societal norms or hide from one another and allow their love to fade into history. Whether or not they succeed, this page-turning novel offers a beautifully complex look at the power of true love and the limits of human connections.


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Jake's Angel (Nicole Foster).

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