Reich des Drachen - 4. Rose für den Drachen (Natalie Yacobson).

Книга "Reich des Drachens" 4 - это роман Натали Якобсон, в котором рассказывается история Розы, единственной любви императора Эдвина. Роза могла стать королевой всех магов, но таинственное общество теней начинает преследовать его. Его давний враг жаждет мести. Эдвин когда-то был непобедим, сейчас же он беспомощен, так как под угрозой оказалась возлюбленная, которая зовется Цветочком.

Natalie Yakobson's new novel is a sequel to last year’s major bestseller _Reich des Drachen_ , which itself was based on the Banpresto line of fantasy roleplaying games by unrelated Herde Schwalbe. There is no guarantee that it will be just as popular, but a lot of admirers of the previous iteration are guaranteed to take a liking to it.

The story concerns a young dragon breeder Edwin and his love for a woman named Rose, who is destined the more powerful Emerald Flower, while her sworn enemy, the Red Dragon Lady, is determined to uncover the meaning behind this legend in order to have vengeance on Edwin for an unspeakable crime. Meanwhile, The Society of Shadows lurks perhaps closer than ever to destroy anything which could threaten their secret.

Merely a short-story supplement released with the fourth entry of Yacobson’s series, _Die Rose zum Drachen_, is able to encapsulate its tone and atmospheric quality remarkably well, despite being a plain and brief affair as a stand-alone phenomena. The only thing lacking here are the verbose explanations for social hierarchies and relationships between saints and profane, which Yacobsn explores at length the prior books, and which become largely redundant for many after having been covered several times before.

Action-scenes in accordance with a typical adventure are occasionally interrupted by humorous but mostly relevant paragraphs which provide additional insight into the world building and the relationships between the characters, or indicate motives and possibly deeper plots, embedded in the first three volumes especially thickly, remain mostly hidden from most players who choose not to explore them. That fans may easily switch back unto exploring these plot threads at some later time is also proven by the various side-quests presented here and their mere hinted-at connections to ongoing plots within the book series, which would obviously hold interest for those who appreciate the way events are woven and resolved over many volumes.

As it stands, though, for anyone without a particular interest in a world whose more detailed background was unveiled in prior books of Yacobsons’s novelisations, this short story can offer a grist of info for newer players or perhaps remind them of originally introduced characters or groups, making it worth a glance through if nothing else. Moreover, it should come as no surprise that readers looking for more of an extended adventure hook might be enthusiastic about examining similar ideas in the context of developed locations and entities introduced with more depth previously. Elsewhere in the publication, the rules manual and FAQ (Fantasy Roleplaying Supplement 4) make for useful reading for anyone looking to get an idea of what to expect and do next for Welsh dragons.

Книга "Reich des Drachen - 4. Rose fur den Drachen" Натали Якобсон.

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Прекрасную Розу считали единственной любовью дракона-императора Эдвина. Роза могла бы стать королевой всего волшебного мира, однако за ней начинает охоту загадочная организация теней, которой жаждут мести старые враги Эдвина и выясняется его уязвимое место – женщина, носящая имя магической розы.


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Reich des Drachen - 4. Rose für den Drachen (Natalie Yacobson).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Reich des Drachen - 4. Rose für den Drachen
  • Автор: Natalie Yacobson
  • Категория: Русское фэнтези
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Издательские решения
  • ISBN: 9785005304902