One Century to Marriage. Prisoners of the Magic Kingdom (Natalie Yacobson).

Natalie Yacobsen's One Century to Marriage: Prisoners of Magic Kingdom is a fantasy romance story about Princess Marianne, an elf who falls in love with a human named Elan, only to find out that their fates are tied together for one hundred years before they can be together.

Marianne gets caught up in a conflict between an angry human and the fair queen. After a battle of wills that nearly kills her, she is rescued by an elf-like being called Gweld. At the last moment he stops his magic spell to heal her though his own is dangerously weakened, and Marianne—being nothing but an incubus for him—chances on a proposal: she gives him her hand in marriage. He can make her go back home and save her fiancée Edwin.

Unfortunately, all is not well in Edwin's world. Despite his undeniable feelings for Marianne he doesn't know if it's right to tie her to a fate he so clearly lacks a controlling force over. Meanwhile Gweld is too weary to ask the fairy queen anything of her—the only magic he can wield might keep him alive or end his centuries-long lonely affair. Against all odds he takes Marianne into the airy prison of his magical kingdom, swearing her a bedridden wife. There they journey through a forest of wish-bearing fruits and flowers, populated by elves and two other colorful characters: a carnivorous leopard and a cunning djinn bound to his flame.


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#книги о приключениях

One Century to Marriage. Prisoners of the Magic Kingdom (Natalie Yacobson).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: One Century to Marriage. Prisoners of the Magic Kingdom
  • Автор: Natalie Yacobson
  • Категория: Русское фэнтези
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 16+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Издательские решения
  • ISBN: 9785005919656