Unequal Exchange (Nadzomi Hitama).

"Unequal Exchange" - книга, которая рассказывает о двух мирах: верхнем, покрытом льдом, и нижнем, согреваемом магмой. На пересечении этих миров их обитатели встречаются, чтобы обмениваться своими умениями. Древние законы предупреждают жителей быть сдержанными и не слишком любопытными. Однако глациолог Дула и магматолог Питу решают пойти на риск. Что из этого вышло?

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The upper world is frozen, and the lower one is scorched by lava. These two worlds are separated by a thin layer of rock, which serves as the only boundary between them. There, in the narrow crack above, peculiar activities are taking place. The inhabitants of the upper and lower worlds come together, exchange artefacts, talk, fly sparks – at least, the aphorisms don't lie - and here and there, ancient laws become enlightening, often mitigated with the addition 'except for…'. Or, they are forbidden from crossing… lines, as if dividing in any way the world of life upon ice and rock. In any case, laws are not followed exactly, because somewhere far above lies the magical sedative that comforts the giant mask and much farther below languishes a fragile, loving body. Sometimes people cautiously cross the line and slip wayward steps into the unknown. Especially belatedly relocated animals need to be rescued. But the general meeting comes twice a year, so there's always a time for careful use of our faculties in pursuit of happiness. Above the snows of our home melts the DuLa ice – the second 'I' of Nick Cave's song.


#русское фэнтези

Unequal Exchange (Nadzomi Hitama).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Unequal Exchange
  • Автор: Nadzomi Hitama
  • Категория: Русское фэнтези
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 16+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Издательские решения
  • ISBN: 9785005121936