Uma Nênia Para Príncipes (Морган Райс).

Книга Морган Райса “Ума Нения для Принцев” - это новая захватывающая серия, обещающая быть такой же увлекательной, как и предыдущие. В “Уме Нении для Принцев”, две сестры, София и Кейт, борются за выживание в жестоком мире приюта для сирот. Книга мгновенно стала бестселлером. Я не могу дождаться, чтобы прочитать вторую и третью книги серии!

Morgan Rice creates worlds without limits. His latest series, THE THRONE FOR SISTERS, features the tale of two sisters, orphaned and struggling to survive in the harsh world of an orphanage. Immediate success. I ca n't wait to read the second and third books! In UM SEGURA ESPOTA PRA PRINCE, Sophia is 17 and fighting for her life, trying to recover from the wounds inflicted by Lady D'Angica. Will Kate's newfound powers be enough to bring her back? Sophia and her sister set sail for the faraway exotic lands of their uncle, their last hope of connecting with their lost parents. But a treacherous journey awaits them, and they wonder if they'll ever discover whether they will be warmly welcomed or fervently rejected. Even when they arrive, Kate's situation only grows more desperate, as she finds herself employed in a witch's orphanage, struggling to keep her secret just out of reach. Meanwhile, Sebastian returns to the court, devastated and desperate to know Sophia is alive. When Sophia's mother forces him to marry Lady D'Anicca, Sebastian knows the time has come to act. UM SEGURAS ESPOTA PRINCE (THE THRONE FoRSISTERS- Book Four) is the fourth book in this stunning new fantasy series full of love, sadness, tragedy, action, adventure, magic, swords, sorcery, dragons, fate, and breathtaking suspense. A book that's impossible to put down. It is full of characters who will make you fall in love with them, and a world you wo n't want to forget. Book 5 in the series is now available as well!


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Uma Nênia Para Príncipes  (Морган Райс).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Uma Nênia Para Príncipes
  • Автор: Морган Райс
  • Категория: Зарубежное фэнтези
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 16+
  • Язык: Portuguese
  • Из Серий: Um Trono para Irmãs
  • Паблишер: Lukeman Literary Management Ltd
  • ISBN: 9781640298576