Chemoecology of Insect Eggs and Egg Deposition (Monika Hilker).

"Хемоэкология яиц насекомых и процесс откладки" - это первая книга, посвященная хемоэкологии яиц насекомых и процессу их откладки. Она охватывает широкий спектр различных вопросов, включая травоядных и хищных насекомых, социальных насекомых и тех, которые имеют медицинское и ветеринарное значение. Знания, собранные в этой книге, могут способствовать будущим исследованиям в области эволюционных аспектов размножения насекомых, а также в контроле насекомых-вредителей путем воздействия на стадию яйца.

The title of this book, "Chemoecology of Insect Eggs And Egg Deposition," by Monika Hilker, focuses on one of the more neglected aspects of insect biology—specifically, the nutritional requirements of and relationships between insect eggs, the eggs laying deposits, and the chemical environment. Hilker's monograph explores a variety of chemoecological insights, including how eggs are both manipulated and influenced by plants and other insect-egg laying organisms. This regulatory connection is critically important to understand for not only scientific method, but also mammal reproduction. Furthermore, considering insect eggs individually not only clarifies the potential for understanding essential differences in their nutritional needs (as evidenced previously through cholesterol level research), but also perhaps might lead to new avenues for research on human reproductive struggles.. Authors overall work провести обзор ьательных четийчёски знаешь


#научно-популярная литература


Chemoecology of Insect Eggs and Egg Deposition (Monika  Hilker).

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