Реквием по далекому Свету (Мияки Тацудо). 2022г.

The English translation of the title is not "Requiem for the Distant Light" but "Distant Light Requiem". This is a fantastic novel from famous author Miki Tatsudo that follows the theme of mortality and the meaning of life. It is also a homage to the importance of facing the past and remembering the transience of human existence. This novel brings various themes together, including reincarnation, morality, and the purpose of life itself. Additionally, it investigates the human urge to leave behind artifacts of our achievements and their impact on our understanding of ourselves as we exist in the present tense. He explores each story with amazing detail and commentary that is entertaining yet enlightening. For example, he details the complex relationship between Tao's character and his mentor, as well as the traumatic experience Tao endures that leads to his subsequent transformation into a superhero. Miki reveals in this manner how the characters of these stories are connected by their experiences and desire for greater understanding and emotional connection with others. Ultimately, these stories intersect with one another, allowing the reader to delve even deeper into the minds of the characters and better understand the causes and circumstances that have brought them to where they are today. The complexity of the narrative is simply astounding, with several smaller subplots revolving around central characters while intertwining with them in unexpected ways. These stories ultimately provide us with profound personal reflections for our own struggles, successes, and life's lessons. Throughout, Miki vividly details both the beauty and fragility of life; each story

Вдали от настоящего остаётся трагедия, поглотившая жизни многих. Что если это ошибка? Есть ли правда в цели эксперимента или он лишь средство? На все вопросы ответит роман Мияки «Реквием по далёкому Свету», простой и глубокий одновременно. Время, собранное то крох, пришло — пора вспомнить прошлое, глядя вперёд, чтобы пережить всё заново.


#научная фантастика

#космическая фантастика

#социальная фантастика

Реквием по далекому Свету (Мияки Тацудо). 2022г.

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Реквием по далекому Свету
  • Автор: Мияки Тацудо
  • Категория: Научная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Дата выхода: 2022г.
  • Возрастная категория: 16+
  • Язык: Русский
  • Паблишер: Автор