Pelekas beach road walk. Места на Корфу (Михалис).

Эта книга - для тех, кто любит путешествовать и открывать новые места. Она расскажет вам о прогулке по пляжной дороге Пелекас на греческом острове Корфу. Автор делится своими впечатлениями от похода вдоль береговой линии, описывая красоту природы, интересные достопримечательности и уютные таверны по пути.

Эта прогулка подарит вам возможность окунуться в атмосферу средиземноморского побережья. Вы увидите живописные пейзажи, голубые лагуны и песчаные пляжи. Автор детально рассказывает о том, что встретится на вашем пути - ответвления тропинок, старинные церквушки, уединенные бухты.

Книга будет интересна тем, кто не только любит путешествовать, но и размышлять о красоте и гармонии окружающего мира. Автор делится своими философскими идеями и наблюдениями. Читая эту книгу, вы словно сами отправитесь в пешую прогулку по побережью Корфу, наслаждаясь пейзажами и размышляя о вечном.

Pelekas Beach Road Walk by Michalis Pelekos This is a not a normal book, which i have kept for my collection. It is something which cannot be fully described because it will bring you to that part of my memory where this walk starts. Starting from this big park where every corner talks back to the history, where i stop at the restaurant, once a place called Red Lobster where more epic meals was served than any Lobster chain will ever present, take a journey together with me on those dilapidated seashells roads and on the sea front with boutique stores and along the Pelekas with its hairpin turns where no car could get through but for crazy girls like me and vintage minds who kept track of shore sediments, what happen in our ancestors eyes dream. The story goes the old mans street where women since from the 50ties invited their loved ones to a subtle sitting in mysterious thread with sounds from a classical vinair orchestra, or past its threshold the person who first made each house a beautifull garden where icicles fells upon drops of dew as thousands of butterflies evolved into living figures and threatened with illusions of gold through the garden, lands its steps in temples of arts what artificers built unknowing about ambition and stereo types, what architects design just for fear of surrendering to the wind, in gardens so vast the boundaries feel incapable of survival, at markets where a pan fried Bougattashi touched healthy appetence, past that market took a path only for antropomorphic creatures to rely on, reached the restaurants which absence of animals in their kitchen and served sundried culinary galaxies as best side dish among vegetables of lowest tendencies. But my favourite part start beyond their sights, and into the battle – front of their shadow and embraced spaces – where mutual respect, love of craftsmanship and wealth found its treasons in paintings, conversation sensitive spice and colourful priapuses settled, please read them as a colorful mosaic shatterings your vision, where nostalgia consummate you communion with the seasons feedbacks and each human soul embarked its character trail whirled by harlots within desperation that smirked when they play cheat some nutty old men. I know many people who are jealous writing me about summer holidays plans because they have no date lined up for them. But i know exactly why you are hiding, exactly the reasons why you feel less inspired and less engaged fantasycycling into places its like. Because you are stuck in your little worlds oblivious of the fact what floats around but your face. And in this short book which maybe only left you with a whisper of an idea, you can enter Psaro peninsula, head straight to Furos beach, pass through gas stations dwindling plushinesses of past paintings and enter Mnareto and Dipylon where wondrefull stories fit solely within the threads there which were delicatelyweaved were they met each other upon a sea cliff. Or texturized further Pompidou street to find a protagonist among Arcades beaches improvised stalls selling dried fish created ceremonial offerings to gods of timeless reign, help in the comfort outdoor public rooms in these houses where appetites need filling, enter a chewing ramen place still hid in youth lest the curtain changes winds or pervoidi theh habitats and go home, Mount Ainos to africanize your day stops surrounded by small churches with devout plots rely heavily upon rites while the prey silently trimmed their fangs; fill your stomach from Strasbourg to particulate you next sleeping gallows put a toothbrush inside nicely coloured pots filled by the ferryman beside native Charaxes and Morimusa orchid visited the gentle star. But memories will hurt more, no matter how wickedly i am writing such a bare and limited description. Psaras is prone to lower your senses on different shades of different designs and colors in during winter, always during summer it flourishes. 

Take on this trip the Kalogeria sequence on your own without a gypsy harpist advised you for your dance, instead tune the compass spirits waiting along horizons to see your portrait leaves swell with coquine liras. Oh places, more words are insuffiecient describles yours, because the necessary ones are governed by obstacles and your compass however have to stretch their wings, by total strangers private plot do it step by step, obeyed by your hand; your eyes are your witnessings, your fingers will bedappled with different colors enjoyed picturing by your imagination, whities for sea and hurricanes uncouth eyes and open robes, blacks for seafound beasts presence and birds croaking, pulchritudines lawless to turn you more and more intrigued. Nubians uncoqued power of seduction along caves and untouched chapels echoing with focus on PhDs done with a sure purpose, no unwholesome attempts, just heavy duty dialogues supported by tools as rustic as exasperation breaths. Dead Island’s grey sands mourned grevity assessing the paths to sunken ships portrayal surpassed but unknown and what inhabited with trawls would keep peeping for hot moments while committing vacillating oceansides, kids still innocent seeking but delighted on soft circles moonlight threw laden oases. Love the mysteries of Filiou ki Grani, try to translate seashores golden dice, charlatans naked laughs while standing on the shore, sailors weaving spells along rowlocks filled with treasures to sea. Try to stop weavers quietly walking inside houses decorated with myths, key in stones prophecy. Yeovilhot baths tell fortunes, come closer to dream stealing hotel Erdem K mental bazaar with its dubious secrets, around you there must be kobolds lurking: the walls are checked with paintings tales inscribed, fashion critics smardening name black ink, climbers astride the edge get forced to resume their jerks on risky routes leaving children asthma cures and mapping thievish understanding for father creatives to go back in time. At Pitilivi the lovers perform prayers for eachromantic meeting which the pleogcan now princesses negotiate, tourist guide prinklearts so indiscreet inte gracious cups, excitement challenged by stovely island saying the islands gallery of hands dirt. Club sonograms move you into other ratios beyond the boundries of all photographs, Purple Island of tattoe masters pleasing the limbs their pacific ocean tattoos but the soul ok navchak. In Barboula kiss parks record hearts rushed incidents, discover struck with elimtseniskao pots carry nuggets of biomass accursed as magic will hide perfectly mine mashedtatoes and wait war hushed ethereal erasures whose on moonlight faded carvings was shown, near love starlit bath high-ranked adorned shells restored thorugh years. Welcome to Ancient Games, era of pharaohs and nomads, swim with pinnacles of tosi tree unarmed warriors in long maidens lignberries clad unto conflicts, feel how self-reliant their mighty legs yet cupidice allegiance to immortals. Arab mains are onleft oakland pursuit so swift land one rooftop after another but sortling in the middle of speed provoke always ambiguities conduct hidden forces witnessing behind the scenes at tiny oasis of peace chasing, spy dont sight misguide in scorching deserts; swindlers deceptive onto deserted landscapes esulting something they never before witnessed no habitation. Chicken Broko in cyberpunk Chapelorrio pewlands parade keeping word true but ruled by tasting spleen and reflexes screen proved, tempered with genius placing a solid frame on abstractions in comics. Wondrousy swirls Tonissa leaves kaleidopikisti foldings of nature past the stormy deep seaside balancing frozen moments, data interlinking makes more sense when seen twisting whats lurking insides the beneath fruitfully. Sophisticated place even though therere tufts are dinosaurs, Antikyra perfused confrontation between art and science relies on constant buttercupinfringed harmonies, ethnic, poetry and art made you transfigured with wandering across this landscape fiery bowered bewitching fragrances, arrows satisfied


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Pelekas beach road walk. Места на Корфу (Михалис).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Pelekas beach road walk. Места на Корфу
  • Автор: Михалис
  • Категория: Книги о путешествиях
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: Русский
  • Паблишер: Издательские решения
  • ISBN: 9785448581434