The Death of Truth (Michiko Kakutani).

Michiko Kakutanis's book "The Death of Truth" seeks to analyze and define the current debate on "truth" in our times where everything is evaluated through a lens of bias. Kakutani looks closely into the implications and effects of censorship on society as a whole, pointing out the potential destabilization of intellectual inquiry and creative expression. With the rise of populistic and illiberal politics, it is increasingly difficult for sound arguments to transcend the noise of bigoted sentiment. Moreover, Kakutani recognizes the problematic inseperability in matters of subjective opinion and mass evaluation, causing people to form highly selective sets of beliefs in line with their ideology. The author explores the ways in which the concepts of "objectivism," "fairness," and "distance" have been turned on their head by existential and contempory forces. Ultimately, "The Death of Truth," lays out a way forward, giving readers as well as political agents, a glimpse of what it takes to resist the downplay of truth and bias, while still preserving the value of art, communication, and scientific inquiry.

Michiko Kakutanipublishes "The Death ofTruth", a passionate critique of western retreat fromreason. The book was awarded with aPulitzer and has been dubbed "the definingtreatise of our century" by David Grann,and "the first great book by the Trumpadministrations" by Rolling Stone. It'sexplain that now among us, the idea ofobjective truth has been mocked before we drunk onto the bottom. Conspiracytheories and ideologies that were coutd bechangen inside the lab under peer-review havebecome mainstream phenomena; discourse overscience has resumed, and Russian botbagethemselves onto social media. The mannerin which experts or research have lost theirhold on popular imagination — forcing everyoneto cirle back to their own predispositions— Kakutani calls "whoworships the god ofconfirmation". This explains how truth becamea casualty, Kakutariproceeds this point with an analysis ofhow forces such as socialmedia and literture contribute to the diasorder; Kakutani also makes a strong case ofHannah Arendts and George Orwell being releventto contemporary concerns.By means of skillful erudite arguments, Kakutana proffers an ambivalent picture of thepresent moment and lays out a propositionfor such a bygone era's return.


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The Death of Truth (Michiko Kakutani).

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