To Marry a Matchmaker (Michelle Styles).

“To Marry a MatchMaker” by Michelle Styles is a charming and romantic novel that explores the complexities of matchmaking and love. The story follows Lady Henrietta Thorndike, a matchmaker who believes in helping other people find true love, even if it means interfering in their lives. However, she soon finds herself caught up in a web of her own making when she meets Robert Montemorcy, a man who is determined to protect his ward from her meddling ways.

The book is full of humor and heartwarming moments, as the two characters navigate their complicated relationship and struggle to find their true loves. Henrietta is a skilled matchmaker, but her methods can sometimes be misguided, while Robert is a man of integrity who values honesty above all else. Together, they face challenges and obstacles that test their love and commitment to each other.

Throughout the novel, the characters’ journeys are intertwined with the lives of others, including Henri’s estranged husband and Robert’s ward, who have their own stories to tell. The book explores themes of love, trust, and forgiveness, while also providing a glimpse into the world of matchmaking in Victorian England.

Overall, “To Marry a MatchMaker” is a captivating and emotional read that will keep readers engaged from start to finish. It is a story of love, loyalty, and the power of good intentions, and it is sure to leave a lasting impression on its readers.

В романе "Женитьба по расчету" автор Мишель Стайлз состоит в интригующем союзе бабушки и внука, Леди Хенриетты Торндайк и Роберта Монтаморси. Леди Хенриета, хоть и скрывает свои чувства далеко позади занавеской кокетства и сватовства других людей, но делает она это исключительно из желания сделать свою жизнь счастливой и светлее! Ее сосед, увидев как его подопечная сбегает из неловкой жизненной ситуации, делает ей вызов, сможет ли она не вмешаться в его дела?.. и сталкивает свое собственное сердце в сделку!


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To Marry a Matchmaker (Michelle  Styles).

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