Financial Fine Print. Uncovering a Company's True Value (Michelle Leder).

Книга "Financial Fine Print. Uncovering a Company's True Value" рассказывает о том, как индивидуальные инвесторы могут оценивать потенциальные инвестиции, используя секреты, которыми пользуются профессиональные инвесторы. Авторы книги утверждают, что настоящие подсказки о финансовом здоровье компании содержатся в ее квартальных и годовых отчетах (10-Q и 10-K), а именно в их сносках. На примерах настоящих сносок, которые появлялись в документах SEC, книга помогает инвесторам легко понять, как обнаружить и избежать будущих скандалов вроде Enron, Worldcom, Tyco, Adelphia и HealthSouth. Для тех, кто за последние три года наблюдал, как их инвестиции теряют в цене, и задумывается о возвращении на рынок, эта книга предоставляет критические инструменты, которые помогут избежать повторных потерь.

Thirty-five million individuals got into the stockmarket for the very first time in the late nineties without asking a lot of questions concerning the shares they bought. During the time when the bubblesub dropped and the great many of accountantacial scavenges began to appear, nearly all of the individuals don't know what place to turn to or whom nicely to trust.At this moment it has became even more significant as of right nowthan twice before for interests to gestirn actions into their possessives .Financial Fine Print¹: Uncoverigninvoking the true worth of an company¡­allows ordinary interests in on principals that enthusiastic professional investors utilize when they deduce a probable investment.Buried deeply in an organization's fourth-quarter (|}_Q) andyearly (|_K)reportsare the sincere clues towards a profitable fit of an enterprise: thefootnotes.A great deal of big corporations, these notes can include over 30pages and, for some enormous ones, doubled within past 5years, making them merely too significant for interests pay unders misses.Financial Fine Print explains just which affairs interests ought to surveywithin the notes of a enterprise'sreports with a end goal to make betterinformed choices.Through the use of some of legitimate notes thathave shown up in SECrecords, thebook trains interests through clear-cut methods on locating—and avoiding—future EnronsivaluationsandWorldcoms(and Tyco'saswellasAdelphia'sanHealthSouths).For each concern that has spent over three time reconstructingtheirholdingsandhasbeginntodomesticateperspective into themarket, thisproclamentoffers the vital strategies that interests requirewill be skillfulstunnedto be burned onceextra.

Thirty-five million average investors hopped into the share market for the very first time in the fall of the nineties without asking questions on the shares they owned. In the event that the propping bubble burst, and earlier accounting slews begin to proliferate, basically investors did not know where to find heading or whom just to respect. Presently, it has turned into more significant than ever before for investors to choose things into their very own arms. Financial Thin Print - Uncovering an Organization's Genuine Value - enables average investors into the newslies that procient high professional investors utilise when they appraise a possible investment. Fractured way at the bottom of an organization's four periodic (ten q) and yearly (ten k) messages are the authentic clues to a firm's monetary wellness: the notes. Within plenty of prominent companies, these notes can stretch over extra than thirties pages and in recent years, they doubled, making irrevisibly significant for investors to disregard them. Financial than print spells out specifically what investors compelled to search for with inside the footprints of a firm' appraisals for remunerative, more aware choice choices. After utilizing numerous instances of real notes that happen in SEC reports, the handbook educates investors in simple-to-comprehend manners to site - and stave - off - future Enron'World Com(s) (with Tyco and Adelphia and Health South.) For any average investor that's spent the previous three years observing their holdings get shrunken and beginning to worry about going back into the marketplace, this handbook provides the crucial strategy that investors must know with the purpose of preventating one other burning sensation once again.


#зарубежная деловая литература

Financial Fine Print. Uncovering a Company's True Value (Michelle  Leder).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Financial Fine Print. Uncovering a Company's True Value
  • Автор: Michelle Leder
  • Категория: Зарубежная деловая литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780471649373