More than a Convenient Bride (Michelle Celmer).

More Than A Convenient Bride — роман автора Мишель Селмер, ставший бестселлером по версии журнала USA Today.

История друзей… с возможностью брака, написанная автором Мишель Селмер. После всех испытаний, которые они прошли после торнадо, ударившего по их техасскому городу, доктор Люк Уэйкфилд, лучший друг Джули Кингстон, не позволит ей покинуть город из-за проблем с зеленой картой. Единственный выход — сделать предложение о браке. Но платоническая связь быстро превращается в горячее желание друг к другу, пока бывшая невеста Люка не возвращается и не забирает своего мужчину у Джули. К счастью, у Люка нет намерений отдавать свою страстную невесту без боя!

A doctor's problem When the town is attacked by a tornado, dr Lucas Wakefield (and his showgirl flame) Cat Coyle evade the disaster unscathed, but best friend Julie Kingston is wounded. In exchange for taking her back to Minneapolis, Lucas insists Julie marry him. The two know their friendship runs much deeper than the marriage veneer Lucas proposes... but long-time sweethearts Paul Reynolds and Liz Fenwick have already exchanged wedding vows and couldn't be more thrilled with their life together. And Lucas' former fiancée, Laddie Elliot, is tipped off to the lay-up and declares her intentions to rekindle their marriage... if Lucas isn't careful who he insinuates will one day share his bed.\nLucas and Julie have thrashed out issues of immigration, commitment, and infidelity, but the fiercely devoted couple crave romance and excitement in their lives. Once again a Southern belle becomes Lucas' idealized muse, and mistakenly thinking Julie would someday become more than he can handle, Lucas reaffirms his passion against a backdrop of intertwining love, deceit, ambition, identity, loyalty, adoration, risking all."It's also more than a convenient excuse to keep the girl you love nice and close," said Marcy Star, "unless it's you who makes her happy."Michelle Celmer has written a witty, soul-searching psychological-romance that combines gripping love drama with a provocative examination of the many permutations of modern marital relationships.With teardrops running down the highest cheek, she replied, "it's just so fuckin' romantic."


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More than a Convenient Bride (Michelle Celmer).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: More than a Convenient Bride
  • Автор: Michelle Celmer
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Mills & Boon Desire
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474002950