Lessons at the Halfway Point (Michael Levine).

“Lessons at the Halfway Point” - это глубоко трогающая книга, которая рассматривает смелый путь одного человека к пониманию жизни с точки зрения только что достигнутого сорокалетия. Это одновременно и острое отражение прошлого, и оптимистичный взгляд на будущее, которое может быть сложным. Ничего не ускользает от критического взгляда Майкла Левина, его проницательного ума и часто юмористического подхода к нашему миру и к нам самим.

Michael Levine's Lessons At The Halfway Point provides an impressive portrait of one man's determination and development during his formative years. While entertaining and thought provoking insights are included within this revealing book, it provides an invaluable insight into the trials and tribulations we all encounter as adults, and how we overcome them in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Clear and founded insight surround each and every page, which can often be unexpected and insightful from such a young author. This once heavily read book not only provides a galore of refreshing perspectives and continuing lessons for those in their early adult years, but also serves to encourage those attempting the equally formidable task of prefacing themselves to the unknowns and facets of age. In conclusion, we are made richer and informed by Michael Levine and Lessons At The


#саморазвитие / личностный рост

Lessons at the Halfway Point (Michael  Levine).

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