Personaltrainer Professional (Michael Bauer).

Эта книга поможет вам стать успешным персональным тренером, если вы хотите достичь финансового и медиа-успеха. Книга Майкла Бауера "Personaltrainer - Professional" поможет вам разобраться в сложных понятиях и применить знания на практике с помощью понятных примеров. Важно отметить, что задачи в этой книге помогут вам реализовать свой потенциал. Эта книга подойдет каждому, кто хочет стать успешным личностным тренером и достигнуть своих целей.

Держи описание книги от российского книголюба: "Personal Trainer Professional by Michael BauerIf this book is new to you, here’s the basic plot summary I did a re-write from — hope it’s helpful!"

"To establish yourself as a long-term success in the industry as a personal trainer, you need a master plan and knowledge in three additional areas. Michael Bauer's book «Personal Trainer Professional – financially and media successful» expands on this concept in simple terms and with some easy-to-understand examples. In addition, integrated case studies provide a direct opportunity for implementation."

"A guidebook for any personal trainer who means business. "

To allow you to successfully compete in the market as a personal trainer, you need a master plan and knowledge of three additional areas. Michael Bauer's book «Personaltrainer Professional - Financially and Medially Successful» explains in simple words and using some understandable examples, what these are. The integrated tasks also encourage implementation. A guide for every personal trainer who is serious about it.



Personaltrainer Professional (Michael  Bauer).

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