Transportation and Power Grid in Smart Cities. Communication Networks and Services (Melike Erol-Kantarci).

Книга "Transportation and Power Grid in Smart Cities. Communication Networks and Services" описывает необходимость создания интегрированных систем мониторинга и управления общественными службами и транспортными системами в городах, которые становятся все более многочисленными и населенными. Авторы книги рассматривают технические аспекты создания беспроводных датчиков и исполнительных устройств, необходимых для реализации концепции "умных городов". Книга представляет собой часть технического проекта и часть спекулятивного взгляда на будущее городов, и написана квалифицированными авторами, которые помогают заложить основы для коммуникационных сетей и сервисов, на которых будут работать города будущего.

This book, Preface by Melike Erol-Kantas, is set in the context of significantly increasing worldwide migrations of populations to urban locations, where the formation of mega city environments begins to emerge, the kind of idea once feared may originate from science fiction trends. The recognition of planners, policymakers, and higher-level urban infrastructure decision-makers is quite explicitly addressed that it is crucial for accurate assessment and assessment throughout urban environments, being as seamless can act as the basic prerequisite for interfacing intelligent monitoring, evaluation, and corresponding procedures for city utilities, including transportation frameworks. A thoughtful consideration, a technical outline provides an insight into what will soon become the planning schedules for communications and services that developed smart cities will deploy. Through teaming with authors who skillfully grasp the different elements, they present sound reviews of technical demands required for wireless networks involving interactive sensors and suited actuators to bring urban areas to life.

With the increasing worldwide tendency towards migrants moving into urban centres, megapolises of yesteryear—previously the realm of science fiction—are set to emerge. Urban technologists and planners already foresee that accommodating city dwellers each numbering in the tens of thousands will require seamlessly integrating public utility and transport services into a real-time, controls network. This book, although predominantly a speculative forecast of tomorrow's urban landscape, also has an instructive technical dimension that serves as a blueprint for communication network and service that "Smart Cities" will be built upon. Melike Erol-Kantarc reflects the professional expertise and qualifications as sole writer, rather than part of a group effort, to ventilate in comprehensive detail the technological dimensions of smart cities and the wireless sensor/actuator networks that make urban settings smarter.


#научно-популярная литература


Transportation and Power Grid in Smart Cities. Communication Networks and Services (Melike  Erol-Kantarci).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Transportation and Power Grid in Smart Cities. Communication Networks and Services
  • Автор: Melike Erol-Kantarci
  • Категория: Научно-популярная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781119360094