Tempting The Texan (Maureen Child).

Название книги "Tempting the Texan", написанной автором Maureen Chil*d, описывает непростой конфликт между двумя людьми, находящимся в процессе ломки своих личных принципов. Эти люди - Келлан Блэквуд, владелец ранчо, и Ирина Романова, бывшая горничная. Однако, помимо понимания сложности их ситуации, история пытается раскрыть тайну семейной драмы, сопровождавшей Кельна с самого рождения.

He cannot let her affect his determination to ensure that the repugnant woman that inherited his late father's estate should not live to disgrace his memory.

Cook Irina Romanova has been Kellan's faithful servant since his manse when he was a baby, but his idealized view of the world is contaminated now that he needs to decide whether she can be trusted enough to stop the pathetic sordid attempt by his evil step mother to bankrupt his magnificent cattle ranch.


#современная зарубежная литература

Tempting The Texan (Maureen Child).

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