After She Fell: A haunting psychological thriller with a shocking twist (Mary-Jane Riley).

Мрачный и захватывающий психологический триллер, полный неожиданных поворотов сюжета, идеально подойдет поклонникам жанра после таких произведений, как «После Анны», «Он сказал/Она сказала» и «После моего ухода».

Есть столько способов упасть... Катриона нуждается в помощи. Ее семнадцатилетнюю дочь Елену нашли мертвой у подножия скалы недалеко от ее школы-интерната. Смерть была признана самоубийством, но Катриона не убеждена в этом.

Когда ее старая подруга, журналистка Алекс Девлин, приезжает в Хэллоуз Эдж, чтобы расследовать это дело, она быстро понимает, что жизнь в элитной частной школе-интернате Дрифт далеко не так идиллична, как это может показаться на первый взгляд.

В атмосфере наркотиков, травли и напряженных отношений между школой и деревней никто не тот, за кого себя выдает. Есть несколько человек, которые могли захотеть, чтобы Елена упала...

After She Fallen by Mary Jane Riley provides a deeply poignant and haunting tale of hidden truths, dark secrets, psychologically motivated acts and a dramatic turning point. This ravishing psychological thriller is both engaging and suspenseful, featuring a mass of compelling twists and turning events.

In this captivating novel, Catriona is still wracked by grief over the tragic suicide of her daughter, Elena, who jumps from a college cliff. But when an old friend arrives and they investigate her death, disturbing questions arise: why did Elena choose to die? What happened before the fatal jump? And where are the answers to these questions being kept?

As the characters' minds unravel and the web of deception deepens, Ripley perfectly weaves in allusions to competing motives, desperately attempted cover-ups, competing loyalties and woman's messy psychological anguish. Combining darkly intriguing nuances with narrative complexity and narration that teases out the distraught minds of its protagonists.

This is a book that makes you question everything and because of this, it draws you ever closer to the tumult in the hearts and minds of the characters, placing you right there on the precipice, wondering how much longer they can go on without falling. A stunning novel for the truly cerebral thriller aficionado.

In the pages of After She Fell, a psychologically gripping novel from award-winning author Mary-Jame Riley, you will discover a haunting tale of mystery, intrigue and, ultimately, the unsettling truth. In this book you'll follow Catriona who is attempting to come to terms with the ending to her lives as it is shattered when her daughter Elisa is found dead. Quickly finding the similarities with her own past comes back to haunt her, as investigation brings to light a hidden and disturbing secret from that distant past. But one must ask another question: is everybody who seemed to friends the night In halloween party may be the real stealthy suspect instead of the one assumed to die. The author, Riley captivates your attention with before you know it her heroine Catriona and the characters around her are irradiated into unfamiliar territories which changes the factors about them, making their lives more complex and challenging every day. Suddenly the outcomes may be beyond human comprehension. After She Fell is a fascinating tale that twists and turns as Catriona discovers that some of her closest friends have not always been honest with her and that she might have a powerful enemy closer than she though among those she considered family and associates.


#современная зарубежная литература

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After She Fell: A haunting psychological thriller with a shocking twist (Mary-Jane  Riley).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: After She Fell: A haunting psychological thriller with a shocking twist
  • Автор: Mary-Jane Riley
  • Категория: Современная зарубежная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9780008181093