The Land of Little Rain (Mary Hunter Austin).

"The Land of Little Rain" - это книга американской писательницы Мэри Остин, опубликованная в 1903 году. В книге описывается жизнь и природа в пустыне Мохаве и горах Сьерра-Невада в Калифорнии на рубеже 19-20 веков. Автор передает свои впечатления и наблюдения о жизни местных жителей, растительности и животных, а также описывает красоту и трудности жизни в этих местах. Книга является важным источником информации о жизни и природе в Калифорнии в начале 20 века, а также знаковым произведением в жанре природописания.

Mary Hunter Austin's The Land of little Rain High is based on Fassbinder's own life and the struggles he faced as a homosexual; censorship, attacks by Nazis, and his arrest and murder."...the typical strains of adolescence represented in huge drama echo the conflicts that Fassbinder lived". This novel presents highly intimate vignettes from the crowd scenes of the Land of Little Rain. Most are based on facts caught in documents and personal essays by Fassbinder; occasionally they are loosely based upon eyewitness accounts and have some embellishment and recollections of author's peers to spice up the story. If there is a fact that cannot be found, it's substituted with fantasies. Many of them involve Hans Christian Andersen and nightmares where the hero, Martin, feels that his legs will be burnt off and he'll be unable to walk during sleep. The more fragments required, the more bits of obscure information are spared unmutilated. "I am sorry to write this or to hit you with it, but it is the first time I knew that it was possible to go completely crazy. Sitting on the roof convinced of everything, wanting to kill myself, being accused of anything and everything at once". Each chapter includes a colorful set of subplots: - Offstage musical comedy by the stage crew of Christine Raab (60 characters which represented all troubles of teen, not in order of birth); - Musical comedy of top schoolgirls dating olympic-qualified gymnasts and cardiac surgeons and other chimney-sweeps at the same time; - Deliberately perverted profane piano compositions by Frank Peters, who plays them to unwilling audience.


#зарубежная классика

#зарубежная старинная литература

The Land of Little Rain (Mary Hunter Austin).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Land of Little Rain
  • Автор: Mary Hunter Austin
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain