Книга "Ban the Bomb!" от автора Мартина Леви повествует о биографии Майкла Рэндла, который в 1944-53 годах работал инженером Британского химического совета по разработке ядерного оружия. В 1979 году он написал книгу "Пишут ли танкисты дома?" о своём военном опыте во время Второй мировой войны. Рэндл очень интересовался пацифизмом. Уже в середине пятидесятых годов он помогал создать Комитет прямого действия против ядерной войны, нацеленный на привлечение внимания общественности к необходимости введения ядерного разоружения. По инициативе Рэндла в 1996 году были созданы «Тринадцать» и «Комитет 130» для борьбы с оружием массового уничтожения.

The book describes the life of Michael Randle, who during one of the most dramatic periods of history had many initiatives in order to prevent nuclear warfare. In 1945 he and other people thought that the world was at a turning point, when Ghandi's ideas about salvation revolutionized their thinking. The forces acting against war were able to behave successfully only because they enlisted the mass support using 'people power'. And so their unprecedented organization of pacification operations began. Randle was a leader in this work and drafted plans aimed at cutting nuclear armaments.

This was one of Randle's achievements, but many of his adversaries believed that the Soviet Union would not react positively to this challenge. Due to Randle and encouraging statements voiced by world leaders in defense of humanity, in the late fifties, Russians released the American spokesman for peace named Norman Boswell from prison. Besides this neuroscientist, Randle sometimes used psychoanalysis, as in the case of the case in Britain, where a spy was allegedly sent to prove the effectiveness of mass communication. Unbeknownst to any authorities, a group of about 30 people secretly organized a peaceful struggle in an attempt to facilitate Russo-American detente. This operation is viewed as the world's first civilian "success" mission. Sparked the minimal plea from Britain that had been caught in a quagmire respectively generated interest to the activist campaign which sought to bring the Russians in line with international norms.

During the 1950's, a journalist helps pioneer a brand new approach to waging war against the threat of nuclear holocaust, learning from the examples of Mahatama Gandhi. Named at the head of a campaign with British peasants, Martin Levy closely observed both the editor of Peace News, and others, like Pat Arrowsmith and Ian Dixon and April Carter to become chairmen of the organisation responsible for resisting preparations for nuclear warfare before those responsible were subjected to great media coverage.

After the bomb scares of the 60's and his work protecting anti-nukes, one of Britain's most celebrated accomplices in apartheid escaped Jermic Prison as well as organising protests for democratic reform in Greece and working for the rights of Russian political prisoners and facilitating exchanges. Known for his honesty and undiminished energy, even if the events in his life did render him prisoner for getting it right, Michael of today remains a respected voice writing on issues related to people power.


#биографии и мемуары

Ban the Bomb! (Martin Levy).

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