The Cowboy And The Lady (Marie Ferrarella).

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The Cowboy and The Lady by Maria Ferrarelli

Debi Kincannon knows what it's like to feel powerless. Raised by her father, an alcoholic whose addiction had ruined his marriage, Debi hasn't had a safe space in years. Then, when her teenage brother's health is in a bad way, she pledges to stay in their Texas hometown and save him from himself. She takes up the position of lifeguard in the hopes that people will look up to her and see Debi as a hero. It's her mission to keep her brother happy and healthy. Most people aren't interested in anything other than the pool. Instead of being impressed by Debi's determination, her squad notices its leader isn't present on her days off. They know something's up. Her pal Michael gives her a big surprise. He brings to life Debi the healer. She isn't an angel. But she isn't a villain either. Michael and Debi discover they both want to follow their dreams and leave everything behind to start over on a ranch in Montana. When they move into a sprawling home that rests high atop a hill overlooking the town below, everyone marvels at how beautiful it looks. Even Debi is taken aback by this majestic setting, yet it doesn't faze her. With a welcoming dance party thrown by the neighbors, Debi begins to heal. She establishes a team of volunteers who make her dreams come true. Life's ups and downs settle down around the ranch that Debi calls "Forever." But Jackson Silver Eagle, once the town sheriff, takes notice of Debi, who embarks on a difficult journey of rediscovery of love, trust, and forgiveness while making room for healing. Never looking backwards, Debi enlists Jackson and the townspeople to take her older brother to the right place and save his miserable life. Will he ever reach Heaven's Gate? Whether it's with Debi and team or somewhere far removed, can someone truly heal his soul? *Sales Information*:

ISBN:978-1-9821-6179-3 | 240 pages | Trade Paperback July 6, 2020 | Also Available as an EBook December 23, 2019 (NBL) | B07M5VBS3C

Everyone Needs A Hero...and This Tiny Texas Town Is…. This charming historical romance follows Debora Kincannon, a young Indiana nurse who is determined to save her estranged brother, played by Tom O'Brien. She arrives in West Texas just in time. This tiny town is her last hope, and she sets up her practice right next door to the man she wants to woo, Jackson White Eyeagle. She doesn't know that he's the pride of Forever Ranch, whose groundbreaking scheme to help make life better improves everyone's journey toward healing. The fast-paced story lets you live through all the challenges Deborah and Jackson face together. Dazzling hero and ravishing heroine are more than sufficient reasons to embrace this romantic, carefree adventure! Pro tip: Make sure to read the second book in the series, Just Be Here.


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The Cowboy And The Lady (Marie Ferrarella).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Cowboy And The Lady
  • Автор: Marie Ferrarella
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Mills & Boon Cherish
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474002288