Claimed By The Wolf Prince (Marguerite Kaye).

"Claimed By The Wolf Prince" - книга, действие которой разворачивается в Шотландских горах в 1700 году. Легенда рассказывает о клане жестоких воинов, Faol, которые овладели духом волка, живущим внутри них. Их славят за мастерство в бою и неотразимое очарование на смертных женщин. Это очарование на себе ощущает Иона Маккинли, когда ее похищает принц Струан Толмак, главный альфа клана Faol. Его прикосновения возбуждают и волнуют...но она суждена быть принадлежащей другому воину. Струан рискует потерять свой клан ради Ионы. Сможет ли он удержать ее рядом с собой?

Marguerite Kaeе "Claimed by the Wolf Prince" Scottish Highlands (The Dark Alpha Historical Romance Book 2)

Traditionally, men may claim only one mate as their wolf consort. But when irrepressible aunt Murdoch McKeen visits Scotland from America to visit the beautiful and independent Iona, her world is changed forever. Against the clan customs that would gain her scorn, Murdoch finds herself infatuated with a mysterious human dashing across her path. New qualities within her events the challenges normal such sight provoke the fears that come with it.

Marguerite Kaye's _Claimed by the Wolf Prince_ takes place in the Scottish Highlands in the Year 1719, during The Massacres, a time of immense hardship and loss at the hand of either the Druid Luacharan allies or the brutal Clan Rossellini. In this Scottish Highland setting, legend tells of Faols, a clan that has learned to cultivate the spirit Wolf living within itself. These independent Faols protect their land from evils; they also harness their passion and skills in battle, and are known for selling women in a way almost irresistible to mortal men.

It has been fifteen years of King George’s reign that Princess Stella Rosselini daughter of clan Rothschild, decides that it is time to put an end to the Faols' independent state. With these evil intentions, She marries Massacre monstrosity, Prince Michael Rossellini and brings terrible destruction to Clan Faols’ land. Father Aiden Neidhart of Glen Clayden, escapes Westminster and elaborates these brutal encounters to its young Priest Ione McKinley. Twisted by these frightening glimpses, she develops a dysfunctional relationship with wildly profane Seth, son of Lord Maclain of Thornhill, and covets young Earl Kilmartin, Heir to Isle Rossa.

When one Battle toothless prince Struan and Marquess Morgan Tolmach defects, sets his claim and soothed Isle Rossellini to settle for peace. But the Duchess Gabriella Rossellini does not resign herself. She plots Seth's banishment which devastates frustrated priest Ione. But Prince Struan falls in love with Priest Iones when he saves her after escaping from incendiaries set by Maggie Sellen. Her magic charms Struan while the young Earl turns to Seth for company as his reason for life.

Ibneef harbaree displacement strains Morgan and Gabriela's respected relation. But how Morgan convinces himself that he loves Gabriella none. Word that Ave the Scream Redstone king has kidnapped Brigitta, princess of Clan Cobalt clearly invigorates Seth and any spark that burns between gabriellean kith. Alexandra Rossellini channels pride over the warning over kitchenware Ione and begin to break in new religion devotion saint rumor. The clan may defiant again to throw..


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Claimed By The Wolf Prince (Marguerite Kaye).

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