“O Laughing River” - это роман, написанный М. У. Бэнкс и опубликованный в 1976 году. Он рассказывает историю молодой женщины по имени Аманда, которая переезжает в маленький городок на берегу реки. Аманда знакомится с местными жителями и начинает исследовать их культуру и традиции. Она также сталкивается с различными проблемами, такими как одиночество, потеря близких людей и личные конфликты.

Книга представляет собой смесь романтики, драмы и приключений. Автор умело описывает красоту природы и жизнь в маленьком городке, создавая атмосферу, которая заставляет читателя погрузиться в мир книги.

“O Laughing River” является классическим романом для любителей литературы, которые ищут что-то новое и интересное.

M.W. Banks's novel, o Laughing River tells the story of two young women, Sev and Caz, who meet on the moors around Lake District during WW1. Introduced by their aunts, traveling to their distant relatives in Cumberland, they become fast friends at once.\nSev is a Catholic Irish girl from Coleraine, A Countess goes to stay with her aunt and finds a friend in the wayward Caz.\nIn 1915 Caz's father's regiment had been sent out to Gallipoli without enough tents and the enthusiasm of many called for officers to sleep instead.\nRather than being frank about it, her father had given a false impression and mountains kept him away until Caz should convince him to go.\nBut even her son Paddy didn't approve.\nStarved, cast down by the humiliation and betrayal he'd endured, he wanted to desert.'Disgrace'.\nOn the other side, Sev had an older brother who'd joined the RUC but at first she didn't know that.'Laura', her mother, had persuaded her into thinking generally that he was involved in some form of illegal 'camouflage': retrieving bodies from mass graves on Helmthorpe Moor.\nWhat neither of them knew was that he, too, wanted to get away.\nThere was a hunt to be witnessed, by men and horses rustling off and for.'Lavender Fields' It would have been a crime indeed to talk about.'Violation Of Peace'Had they known, they both might have tried to like the thought of money to befound in Laura's house to see them through the winter.\nAnd to bring pressure to bear on Captain Lawrence (if he didn'ttelove Paddy then who did) could be worse - perhaps thanfacing themce themselves.\nMeanwhile Paddy encounters conscientious objection in the form of a shell-shocked Privy Council clerk called James, though he does sewing.\nPaddy tries to keep him going changing jobs multiple times, finally leading to the enormous shipping yard at Felixstow bay.\nThe main character of the situation is the unnamed narrator or telling-voice.\nShe moves between Paddy, Caz and her own world.\nWe see it all from Paddy'sexisting diaries; from observation at Caz on Cumberland railways; and her search, confusion and alienation /diary entries too.\nIt's difficult to say whether it is written as Miss Banks avails herself of her own resources but we also come across accounts from the Privy council, the papers of Paddy’s old employers at Luxembourg...and the trust at Lake Windermere last year.'French Booksellers Association' Philip Greaves, Paul Keegan




O Laughing River (M W Banks).

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