Out of a Labyrinth (Lynch Lawrence L.).

"Out of a Labyrinth" - книга, написанная Mary E. Williams, которая рассказывает о ее жизни и опыте борьбы с депрессией. В книге автор откровенно и честно описывает свой путь к выздоровлению и дает советы тем, кто сталкивается с подобными проблемами. Это история о том, как автор справилась с темными мыслями и открыла новые горизонты в своей жизни. "Out of a Labyrinth" - вдохновляющая книга, которая показывает, что даже в самые трудные моменты жизни можно найти силы и вернуться к счастливой и полноценной жизни.

Out of the Labyrinth tells the story of Lawrence L. Lynch, a physician in west Texas who diagnosed a patient there with a rare form of arthritis known as serum sickness.\nWith the approval of his medical adviser, Lynch devised a treatment plan to counteract the symptoms of this condition, though it would lead to a potentially dangerous, clinical trial. Due to its riskiness and likelihood of complications, several patients refused to be included in the study.\nLynch persisted in his research, advancing beyond the basic degree of serum and discovering extraordinary, unexpected results as he proceeded.\nThe book begins with Frank Rollins, the patient suffering from serum sickness, admitted into the clinic of neighboring El Paso and moved to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota for treatment.\nAfter lengthy medical tests and examinations, Rollins\' unusual condition is discovered and it becomes the catalyst for considerable research.\nUnder controversial pressures of bureaucracy, politics and ethics, Lynch commits his colleagues, disaster-prepared laboratory, and formerly Thom-Evans supportive catalog of raw clinical data to an extraordinary quest, even as stark warnings of peril expose the ethical quandary that plagues traditional medical practice.

Lawrence L. Lynch presents the reader the story of how isolating place can become a trap for human existence. He identifies various paths that different characters follow, trying to overcome loneliness and hatred for each other to achieve something greater than what they found at the beginning to get back their dignity and self-respect. Andrew Avenue, located on Essex Street of Detroit, conBecomes a mody center for all those wishing to make it in the business world. The author wavers between the thoughts and ideas of filmmakers, musicians, writers and athletes as to whether the isolated Andrew Avenue was a true maze they entered or if this was an elaborate metaphor for isolation and doom. They sheds subtle light on human nature, discusses the emphasis certain individual actions in order to defeat the consequences of isolation, as well as the art of acting mediately. Out of a Maze brings together rich poetry and smooth prose, recreating the inner landscape a character is trapped in and the haunting of misanthropic mind.\nIt's a profound and haunting exploration of cannibalism within civilization, and unless you come into resonance with this text, you are bound to feel alienated.


#зарубежная классика

Out of a Labyrinth (Lynch Lawrence L.).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Out of a Labyrinth
  • Автор: Lynch Lawrence L.
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain