Treffpunkt Rom (Luzi van Gisteren).

Luzi Van Gisteren - "Treffpunkt Rome" - The story follows an adventure in the 1960s between Karin, a German girl visiting Italy for the first time, and Giancarlo, a local worker originally from southern Italy.

The couple is invited by George and Maggie, an American art-dealer couple, to spend their summer holiday in Abruzzo along with Karin's parents.

At the beginning of the story, relations between different families are not easy as you can expect them to be at the start of June. Eventually, the film joins three couples on one bucket of adventures. Together they experience various situations, in safe and unsafe areas while undertaking a cross-country trip. In the course of the journey, these different friendships are developed.

In spite of their contradictory tendencies, Karin and Giancaro strongly admire each other and are prepared to start a relationship. When Giancarlo and his family end their trip in Rome, Karin proposes staying in the same place to give them the chance to get to know each other better before taking the next step towards marriage. However, when Karin receives a letter asking her to go back to Germany immediately without a word of explanation, she leaves Giancaro and despite repeated attempts, Giancara is never able to contact Karin again.

Luzi Van Gisterens film captures everything about the 60's culture, especially the great style that those years' people still adorn in white shirts, old sneakers and generally matching shades. The amazing scenery of Rome and its outer suburbs paces perfectly along with the delicate touch and understanding with which storytellers combine the travellers.



Treffpunkt Rom (Luzi van Gisteren).

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