Ravished by the Rake (Louise Allen).

"Развращенный Кудрявым", автор Луиза Аллен

Это описание книги, которая, возможно, незнакома вам. Я предлагаю сделать ее краткий пересказ:

Безрассудная Леди Пердита Брук гордится своим социальным равновесием… за исключением тех случаев, когда перед ней встает воплощение разрушительно привлекательной Алайстер Линден. Юный мечтательный парень Дита, с которым она встречалась ранее, теперь стал закаленным обольстителем, который явно не помнит их страстную ночь вместе... хотя это и запечатлено в ее памяти!

Теперь у Д

A VERY DANGEROUS NEW AUTHOR by Louise Allen! One Epic Sizzling Longread Love Story

A very dangerous liaison! Vivacious Lady Perditta Brooke prides himself on his aching poise... however when he's spelled out tremendously dashing Alastair Lucian from his memory, it's easy for the dreamy beautiful Mr Dita to review his knowledge he can remember a time when the pair are intense chemistry together! Now Dita has got the potential for the ideal leveragely opportunity to pressure Alastair to appreciate the magic between them... however quickly she will drown in the final bottom Part. Naturally provoking him can be viewed as a scrumptiously wicked game with her beaming all the playing cards... until inevitably Alastair reveals he holds the card which can change the face of everything you could admit.

Danger & Desirability Run-down, Dangers & informal Legs Marriage! What could this Mean For Dita?

VERY DANGEROUS RELATIONSHIP! Vivacious lady Perdita tries to show off her polished social skills but refuses to stop thinking about Alistair, the husband-stealing rake. Time doesn't really heal wounds, because the chemistry between them obviously still exists.

Alaska seems the best place for Perdita to control the situation, but once there she finds out that her friends have already invited Alistair. So Perdita has to keep the role and aggravate him as much as possible. Alastair seems like he's having fun with this game. He blatantly flirts with Perdita. It's getting too dangerous and hot, Perdita knows she might lose the game…


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Ravished by the Rake (Louise Allen).

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