Bringing Rosie Home (Loree Lough).

Приношу извинения за отсутствие ответа в течение часа с момента обращения, в моем аккаунте произошел сбой, связанный с непредвиденными обстоятельствами технического характера. С Вашей помощью восстановил работоспособность аккаунта. Более некорректных и грубых сообщений мне не поступало, поэтому я убрал предыдущие свои сообщения из чата и завершил обращение.

Bringing Rosie Home takes readers into the intimate lives of the selfishly selfless characters within Loree Lought's charming novel. The highly compelling combination of suspense, emotion, and authentic familial storytelling make this one not to miss. In the small town of Elmwood, Wisconsin, best-selling author Rena VanMeter (as well as her young son, Creed), husband Grant, and precocious 6-year-old Rosie are enjoying a peaceful summer vacation from their busy suburban life in Chicago. When a local couple captures Rosie as part of an elaborate diabolical hoax, their family is ripped apart by guilt, anger, betrayal, and dark secrets. Forced to interact with each other and co-parent their missing child as they attempt to uncover the truth, they are stripped of their defenses and forced to reckon with their folly, their fears, their redemption, and ultimately, their hearts.bitterly separated, Rena finds herself with nothing more substantive to do than wallow in self-pity and ponder what might have been as she battles drying tears in breakfast with the grave, adoptable naturalist Samantha, who has since become her de facto live-in gf. While Grant barely functions on low caffeine and aspirin, hiding out in his Kidette suburban hideaway does little to distract him from unimaginable reality -- what measures would he take to save his wife and child? The two must also confront the enduring possibility that their daughter may be dead. Not only their love for each other, but for their outsider daughter, Rosie, alternates between lovingly passionate and horribly angry and bitter. An almost one-woman Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Lought convincingly weaves her sublime stories and sturdy characters from every surprising angle: from the standpoint of a grief-ridden mother desperately searching for closure to the perplexing perspective of a grieving crime scene photographer, which might as well be two different authors.\nNeither throughae catapulting action or romantic complications, Lough painstakingly asserts herself as an emotionally attuned author whose emotional center is entirely focused on the wounded psyches of her flawed characters.

В этой книге рассказывается о событиях, которые потрясли семью, превратив их жизнь в кошмар…


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Bringing Rosie Home (Loree Lough).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Bringing Rosie Home
  • Автор: Loree Lough
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: By Way of the Lighthouse
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474080873