"To Win a Wallflower" by Liz Tyner is a hilarious romantic comedy set in a world where relationships are arranged by negotiation and wealth.

Barrett, the Viscount's son, is a successful businessman who prefers building an empire to finding a wife, while his poorer cousin, Annie, has no career prospects except marriage. The two exchange bad habits via a wager: Barrett promises a week's visit to Annie as long as she promises to appear by his side for a marriage with one of the other nobles.

As their time together progresses, Barrett and Annie become increasingly attracted to one another and unwittingly form a secret, forbidden bond. However, with each day ticking by their cover must now be dropped, and the two must decide whether to let go and face the consequences of breaking the rules or risk everything for their own happiness.


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To Win A Wallflower (Liz Tyner).

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