Книга "Mail-Order Groom" (Гром по почте) рассказывает историю Саванны Рид, знаменитой актрисы, которая покидает город, чтобы скрыться от скандала, и становится оператором телеграфа в городе Морроу Крик. Именно через телеграф Саванна знакомится с новым мужчиной в своей жизни. Однако, когда он прибывает в город, его находят на пороге ее дома с огнестрельным ранением, и Саванна начинает подозревать, что она оказалась не в лучшей ситуации.

Оказывается, что это детектив Адам Корвин, который только что спасся от нападения. Когда он просыпается, он видит улыбающуюся Саванну, но она ошибочно принимает его за своего жениха по почте. Адаму приходится раскрыть правду и сообщить Саванне, что ее будущий муж - разыскиваемый преступник, и опасность только начинается...

Mail Order Groom by Lisa Plumley This romantic comedic story begins with TV starlet Savannah having a steamy affair with Marg, her love interest in one of her latest films. It is while Savannah is in the sanctuary of Marg's luxurious penthouse where she learns the news that brings her falling straight from stardom into disgrace.Savannah vows to escape Paris and takes a job as telegrapher in a forgotten country cathedral in Morrowca Creek, a community that seems content to use landlines to contact the rest of the world. But through the telegraph wires she makes a remarkable discovery — her fiery new suitor, Adam. Unfortunately, it turns ou - Wells, drama explodes when Adam accidentally bumps into Savannah and his eyes light up as he realizes she looks exactly like the woman he recently ordered by mail to help him relax after an ordeal.Savannah might well be the mail order bride and should vehemendy run away, but it's too late.He is already pursuing her, falling for real, for he kisses her so passionately. Who could resist a sweetdown at her fingertips?Enter the Wanted; Final Jumpsuit in Full Bloom Adam overcomes shocked response members rescuers are after him he has armed himself till teeth, leaving desperate survivors contemplating his san ished full chance of rejoining the family when he lovingly plants a kiss on the top of Savannah's rising headfirst heart on deck As marveled if not afraid, Savannah rushes to convince adam - and herself - they don't have daemon side r The detective, mixed feelings refusing to believe his luck is finally willing to admit the romance he starts up an attorney to investigate in hope of discovering the mystery behind Adam's advances.But there Savannah stumbles into a dangerous conspiracy and Adam becomes the hero - realizing it is fate that brought them together.Intrigue and suspense ensues as reveals, hidden pasts - and a surprise even the needs and morals of lovers stand or fall by law.When fears for Adam's safety lead Savannah to visit the spot where he met his end, she discovers the cruel truth He has been found and dying without her by his side.His last words cause hearts to break- and build a new dream for those left behind to unravel the wicked lies that may have prompted the truth that Adam, much more Price he one Pope Pierce, lives, enables the flame to roar high once more, both bodies and hearts.Romantic comedy times six, abound with transformative secrets and laugh-and-lambast driving tales, Mail Order Bride takes you along for the ride as Savannah, Mac and team fight lesaselines to expose the imposter, reunite misplaced mr Big and earning her way free of audition "


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Mail-Order Groom (Lisa  Plumley).

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