В "Солдaта-охрaнника" Лизы Чилдс о Коуле Бентлере (по прозвищу "Молния") после возвращения в мирную жизнь после долгих лет военной службы поручено оберегать одну женщину и ее маленькую дочь. Это первая глава из цикла романов, включающих четырнадцать частей. Они - захватывающий экшен с обильным количеством секса, кровавых сцен и отвратительных диалогов между культовыми героями.

The mission of Cole Bentler is to serve, to protect—literally. Cole, formerly a Marine, has accepted a new assignment at DCI, the remote federal marshalsea where he will be the personal bodyguard for Shawna, a woman he has loved since childhood. Now that Shawna is recently widowed, the stakes become impossible to ignore, especially after Cole discovers that she has been carrying the child he conceived on the day they were tangentially introduced fourteen months earlier. Granted he knows no more about Shawna than her powerfully angular features, her indescribably glossy black hair, or her expressive eyes—but then the very novelty of their encounter might as well spell out the problem-filled future that Cole and Shawna soon come to know quite intimately. It seems very unlikely, maybe implausible even, for them to reveal their unbelievable share of secrets one to another—forbidden liaisons and disastrous family bloodlines fittingly added to this novelistically paradoxical tale. With all of the dangers posed by Rossi, the father of Shawna's dead husband and the unidentified serial killer Cole has pledged to bring down are only exacerbated by Shawna's guilty silence about Cole's daughter. Let alone Cole vying with Shawna for this sweet forgiveness.


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