Ransom for a Prince (Lisa Childs).

Принц Себастьян Кавано сразу узнал в Джессике Питерс испуганную свидетельницу. И неудивительно. Как только она решилась выступить с информацией, которую он искал, по ней тут же открыли огонь, а на его голову назначили награду. Теперь защита Джессики и её четырехлетней дочери стала для Себастьяна главной задачей, и он не собирался покидать Вайоминг, пока они не будут в безопасности. Но Джессика утверждала, что опасность гораздо серьезнее, и её прошлое наконец догнало её. Слишком многие хотели заставить красивую мать-одиночку замолчать. Себастьян восхищался её силой духа и решимостью выжить. Эти качества делали её идеальной принцессой...

If the book is not familiar to you, here is the description I have: Prince Sebastian Cavanaugh knows a scared witness when he sees one, and that's exactly who Jessica Peters is. Not that he blames her. The moment she steps forward to provide information he's looking for, gunshots ring out and someone tries to put a target on his back. Now safely guarding Jessica and their four-year - old daughter comes first; he wo n't leave Wyoming until his baby girl is safe.

But Jessica claims there's a darker reason for the unpleasantness: her past has finally caught up to her. Too many people driven to silence the beautiful, single mother make Sebastian admire her fighting spirit and will to survive, qualities that make her the perfect princess...

Ransom for A Prince, by Lisa Childs. If this book is new to you, here's a brief synopsis: Prince Sebastian Cavanaugh knows a frightened person when he sees one, and that's exactly who Jessica Peters is. Not that Sebastian blamed her; the minute she offered the information that he had been seeking, gunfire erupted and someone was willing to assassinate him. Now the protection of Jessica and her young child came first, and Sebastian would not leave Wyoming until he was sure they were safe — however that turned out to be. But Jessica confided to Sebastian that there was more than a simple peril hanging over her head; her past from long forgotten criminal offenses was rearing its ugly head at long last. The pressure and intensity present on Jessica make her stand out as an exceptionally brave and clever person. Qualities which Sebastian, whether consciously or unknowingly, yearned to see in his future wife...


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Ransom for a Prince (Lisa  Childs).

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