Brain-Based Therapy with Adults. Evidence-Based Treatment for Everyday Practice (Linford Lloyd).

"Brain-Based Therapy with Adults: Evidence-Based Treatment for Everyday Practice" - это книга, которая предоставляет простой, интегрированный подход к терапии, основанный на знаниях о мозге и его влиянии на лечебные вмешательства. Авторы Джон Арден и Ллойд Линфорд, эксперты в области нейронаук и доказательной практики, показывают, как этот новый вид терапии учитывает индивидуальность каждого клиента. Книга содержит подробную информацию о фоне и доказательных вмешательствах для распространенных нарушений у взрослых, таких как тревога и депрессия, что позволяет получить экспертные советы, которые можно немедленно применить на практике.

Brain-Based Therapy With Adults: Evidence Based Treatment For Everyday Practice presents a straightforward integrated approach which looks at current thinking on the brain, and its impact on and application to clinical practice. Authors Dr John Arden (a prominent figure in neuropsychology) and prof Lloyd Linford reveal the ways in which this newly emerging approach takes the individuality of every client into account. The book presents, and explores the practical knowledge and skills needed for evidence based interventions for common adult psychiatric disorders, e.g. anxiety and depressive disorders.The bulk of the text consists of chapters which present case scenarios grouped according to the types of clinical problems most commonly encountered by all psychologists and psychiatrists.. These chapters then provide "what to think", "what to do" with the aid of evidence from the areas of neuroanatomy, neurochemistry and cognitive behavioral therapeutics. Chapter summaries and recommended reading are also provided, and in other place books contain conversion tables, a suggested timescales of practice and a glossary. Brain Based Therapy for Adults is an essential resource for practitioners in all mental health professions and nurses working in clinical mental health settings. It surely will also appeal to students of psychology and neuroscience as well as practitioners of psychotherapy or behavioral therapy, who may wish to familiarise themselves with some important recent findings.


#социальная психология

#клиническая психология

Brain-Based Therapy with Adults. Evidence-Based Treatment for Everyday Practice (Linford Lloyd).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Brain-Based Therapy with Adults. Evidence-Based Treatment for Everyday Practice
  • Автор: Linford Lloyd
  • Категория: Социальная психология
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780470406250