Left for Dead?: The Strange Death and Rebirth of the Labour Party (Lewis Goodall).

"Left For Dead?" by Lewis Goodall invites readers to take a journey through the complex history and turbulent times of the Labour party, focusing on its remarkable transition from stagnation into reemergence after the shock experience of losing not one, but two general elections in a row.

Lewis Goodall explains how left-wing parties in Britain were marginalized following the collapse of New Labour in the late 90s, leaving them fighting for every scrap of attention. He traces the gradual rise of Jeremy Corbyn as an alternative candidate, one with a distinctly populist claim to credibility among disillusioned voters. And, largely against the predictions of some analysts, Goodall catalogues how Corbyn's long leap between the backbenches and the frontlines ultimately pushed the party back on track with a victory at the polls in 2015.

Using personal testimony, detailed interviews from all the major figures in Labour politics, and entertaining anecdotes, Goodall guides readers through the choices and challenges faced by some of these figures, including Tony Blair and Ed Miliband. While seemingly bemoaning the political upheaval and setbacks caused by a recent quagmire, the author also encourages readers to take heart and learn about the new direction the Labour movement is traveling towards. This rich and insightful analysis may come along as a call to action for those seeking a better future for our nation.

Lewis Goodall takes a radical new look at the fall and resurgence of Britain's longest-running political party, New Labour. From its collapse in 1983 to its prophesied imminent demise after 2025, Goodall uncovers the failings of those who led New Labour and the surprising triumph of Jeremy Corbyn and his modern institutional-socialist policies.


#историческая литература


Left for Dead?: The Strange Death and Rebirth of the Labour Party (Lewis Goodall).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Left for Dead?: The Strange Death and Rebirth of the Labour Party
  • Автор: Lewis Goodall
  • Категория: Историческая литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9780008226701