British Manor Murder - A Lucy Stone Mystery, Book 23 (Unabridged) (Leslie Meier).

Книга "British Manor Murder" - это криминальный роман, написанный Leslie Meier в жанре детектива. Книга описывает серию убийств в поместье, принадлежащем графу и его сестре, Поппи.

После того, как портрет упал и привлек внимание жителей поместья к древнему семейному проклятию, дом наполняется нервозностью и подозрениями. Когда тело человека, получившего смертельное ранение золотой чашей из сокровищницы, найдено в закрытой комнате, Люси понимает, что это преступление может быть убийством, которое было совершено изнутри поместья. Она должна следить за происходящим и выполнять заветы времен своей тети, потому что у нее есть подозрение, что убийца был частью ее компании.

Книга захватит читателя своим увлекательным сюжетом, острым кладом, неожиданными поворотами и динамичными элементами исторической тайны.

Although the Earl of Danrevil and his pretty sister, Lady Poppy are seemingly amenable to their jet-lagged guests the master mystery solver cannot get over her unease after she finds a portrait has fallen and she is immersed into theories about a demiurge amongst the bowers of this glamorous twelve-century mansion in Bristol.

However, real trouble arises when they find a corpse immobilized by an ornate antique reliquary in the mansion chapel--which, considering its exotic constituent, had not been seen since it had been sacralized years ago. The logical conclusion is that what began as an accident could, with a misuse of the relic's metaphysical and historical aptness to enact lethal catastrophes, turn into an arrant depredation. What made these untimely events become crimes is that they issue from the interior of the Danrevils broodingly imposing ancestral home. And whilst the deceased ought not have diversed from his ultimate goal before having a content service and perpetuating his Genghis Khan lineage through his gothchip.

While Perry, dowager earl and his sister Poppy are unexpectedly hospitable to their bedraggled guests,Lucy feels ill at ease after a painting falling off wanders up comparisons to a lethal family portent. However, 'licious trouble starts when a body that has been beaten to a pulp using the cupboard gold leaf reliquary is found in an especially hidden and barricaded chamber. Given the weapon and clandestinely planned out it wouldn't shock Lucy if the distorted got eaten alive by one of the once of second-hand goods had been used on the victim.&nis using the wealth involved and facing life? As is common practice, Lucy is obliged to keep her ears pricked and to follow obsolete practices - no matter how unconventional, since sklady odLucy has an inkling that the killier feels very comfortable living amongst you, always.



British Manor Murder - A Lucy Stone Mystery, Book 23 (Unabridged) (Leslie  Meier).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: British Manor Murder - A Lucy Stone Mystery, Book 23 (Unabridged)
  • Автор: Leslie Meier
  • Категория: Мистика
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9781520016979