Shadows On The Lake (Leona Karr).


Одинокий дом на воде на изолированном причале - это не то, на что рассчитывала Кортни Коллинз, когда она вместе со своим маленьким сыном приехала в Скрытую Бухту на лето. Но их холодный, загадочный хозяин был нелюдимой тётей Кортни и единственной оставшейся у неё роднёй. С проходом дней враждебную атмосферу нарушало лишь очаровательное внимание к Кортни со стороны их арендодателя Нила Эллсворта. Этот сексуальный, но вечно одинокий бизнесмен предлагал Кортни своё крепкое плечо, чтобы успокоить её тревожные опасения, и впервые Кортни могла предвидеть счастливое будущее. Но её мечты были разбиты в тот момент, когда её ребёнка похитили. С немногими уликами и почти идеальной сценой преступления, мог ли Нил хранить ключ к разгадке правды?

WHAT LIES BENEATH . . As the sun aged down over Maryoska Bay, Morgan tipped her mug to Stella. 'Think it'll rain tonight?' Stella took a drag of her cigarette and inhaled deeply on the smoke before she replied. 'No way, this is southern England for you, the witches here can control the weather and make it look as if the entire place is on fire tomorrow'. "Thanks for the confidence". Peggy put down her steering-wheel and glared. "I came to trust in your judgment, why d'ye bring me down right now?" The surge of board struck her head and caused her to stumble back into the passenger seat. "Sorry!" Stella hurried across the narrow space between their seats and grabbed her arm. "You okay?". "Yeah, just get me my seatbelt on". Stella wrestled around with the buckle until it clicked round, before replacing the cigarette between her lips. 'A mite melodramatic are n't you?' Peggy protested stroking her new guitar case that sat between them. 'Must think too much of yourself to step on the wrong side of me every now and then'. Stella just grinned and fired her lighter to the rested cigarette next to it. 'Y'know, there's no need to waste your pitchforks if you could let me caress those talented fingers off your leg'. The much-feared stomp of Nina's heels echoed down the corridors. Hysteria laced her voice when she arrived in the living room. 'You're kidding me! You think they've kidnapped our daughter?! How do y-'. The scream caught in her throat when the front door exploded open andNeil's men stormed in. Nina flung her arms out as the two of them moved slowly over her. 'If it was to save her life, I'd do anything!' She sanctimoniously broke away from them and planted herself at the group gathered around her husband. 'What did you do?.Stella looked up from her book and gazed over the otherswa that were similarly terrified. 'In- in no time have approximately three of our hairs been taken as evidence, a sole parking coin placed next to each of us and a letter that seems to imply it all leads back to us'. Travis trembled as he answered her. He struggled to focus on her question. 'It just says''And Ursula will come for Peggy' That's it!' With tears running down his cheeks, he added. 'Someone knows! And they want us all dead.'

WHAT LIES BENEATH... An isolated cabin by a lonely dock was a far cry from what Courtney expected when she arrived in Hidden Cove with her baby boy for the Summer. Uncle Oswald was surprisingly warm and welcoming - the only member of their family that they had. The days went by, the atmosphere between father and daughter slowly eased - there was nothing as oppressive as before save Neil's constant company. There was something about the tall, dark businessman that made Courtney feel sheltered, protected even though she still wasn't sure she was ready to trust him. There too was a spark, something wild and dangerous, but more than just sex - there'd been no mistakes made - only in their eyes were any possible paths of attraction flying. These concerns were dashed to pieces when their adorable baby disappeared without a trace.


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Shadows On The Lake (Leona  Karr).

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