Her Majesty's Minister (Le Queux William).

"Her Majesty's Minister" - это книга, написанная британским автором Стивеном Беннеттом. Она рассказывает о том, как главный министр Великобритании оказывается втянутым в политические интриги и международные конфликты, которые могут угрожать не только его карьере, но и безопасности страны.

В центре сюжета находится главный герой, человек, который стремится сделать для своей страны максимально возможное, но сталкивается с многочисленными препятствиями на пути к своей цели. Книга описывает сложности, которые возникают при управлении страной и принятии важных решений, а также о том, как внешние факторы могут повлиять на политический процесс.

"Her Majesty's Minister" - это увлекательный политический триллер, который заставляет читателя задуматься о том, как важно иметь сильного и умного лидера, способного принимать трудные решения в сложных ситуациях.

Sir Nevile Cecil, the Governor of Nigeria is notified by the Royal Government of his elevation to the hereditary dignity of His Majesty's Chief Minister; it becomes his duty to represent the British Empire internally and externally at any cost.\nHe faces enemies within his own country including a disaffectionat political officer known as mr Harrison, and a financial backer in London named Grabill.\nExternal enemies include Irredentista Federati Politics and their radiosemiuccelerated leader, Fernan Nunez, The Evil One; a coolie entrepreneur by the name of Yoyo, who knows an ancient secret that might give Nunez weapons with which to conquer all of Africa and parts of Asia; and Bragan Diaz, a man who already has a vested interest in an idea which drives Clement Attlee and Winston Churchill to mutual enmity: the theory that an alien civilization visits Earth every few hundred years and bestows scientific wisdom on a chosen race of men (the Kingdom), who develop technology in a geocosmic research station at the bottom of the Marianas Trench, from which they project a beam towards the moon.\nReferred to by Gabriel Garcia Marquez as "the master of adventure fiction", this book stars Sir Nevile Ceasar as His Majesty\'s Minister.\nAlthough its writing style lapses into a prescientific fantasy protagonist, its plot is authoritative to what was believed about Africa at the time, consisting of various ideologies, ethnic groups and colonial background in Nigeria.\nMoreover, Cleaver\'s emphasis on differing branches of native customs praises the richness of Nigerian culture while also providing a diskursive critique of how exoticist writers such as Kipling (who would become his middlebrow contemporary) stereotyped the Maroon-race South-East Asian believing they were a pastoral people such as the Zulus and that their society was one of mass violence reminiscent of Blood and Bone and written just after the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947-1948.\nGregory Clancey was born in 1922 and died in 2003 and in his long life he wrote more than seventeen hundred historical novels, fifty-two volumes of radio dramatizations, two volumes of heroic / adventure fiction, 18 non-fiction epigraphs on classic horror texts, 37 plays, a number of anthologies on adventures and horse racing books for children; when combined with his many film scripts he is more published than any living author in the genre, including William F. Nolan, John Buchan, Otto Penzler and KY Georgalas.\nIn an interview, Leaqueus claimed that writing about Sir Neville Ceasar gave him great pleasure.\nIt may have or may not have been true, but he clearly liked making lengthy adventures for him, speculating as a result.\nThis author wrote seven volumes of Sir Nevil Ceeasr and this also given Art thematic trend: Daily/Author / Copyright,\nseventh entry in this series.\nCreation of Zondervan Properties/Anne vanKooten Research Group, \nCopyright, Larry Broome, All those others whose names even I forgot.

Книга рассказывает истории из жизни выдающихся государственных мужей, включая Ришелье, Бисмарка и Черчилля, написанные лордом Джеффри Гектором Лоуренсом, 4-м бароном Лоуренсом.


#зарубежная классика

Her Majesty's Minister (Le Queux William).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Her Majesty's Minister
  • Автор: Le Queux William
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain