The Rancher's Courtship (Laurie Kingery).

Предлагаемое описание книги The Ranchers' Courtship автора Laurie Kingery на русском языке:

Не приветствуя тебя, напишу о романе "Брачное ухаживание фермера", написанном Лори Кингери. Если ты не знаком с этой книгой, пожалуйста, прочитай предисловие к описанию, которое я сейчас сделаю:

Хотя Кэролайн Уоллес не может иметь свою семью, она все еще может иметь дело. Работа школьной няней в Симпсон-Крик помогает ей залечить сердечные раны после утраты своего жениха Пита из-за пандемии гриппа. Потом приезжает брат Пита - во главе стада коров и с двумя шестилетними близняшками. Джек Коллиер надеялся на Питера и его

Although Caroline Wallace cannot have children, she can find fulfillment in her role as the new schoolteacher in Simpson Creek, where she helps to offset the loss of her fiancée, Pete, at the hands of influenza.

When Pete's brother, Jack Collier, arrives with a herd of rescued cattle and two adorable 6-year-olds in tow, having expected daily care from his brother in Montana, he and Caroline struggle to adjust to life together. Unfortunately, a bout of snowy weather persists, as does some disturbing news, forcing Jack to stay put in Texas during Caroline's school year. Naturally, Caroline begins warming to beautiful Abby and sweet Amelia, who like their dad, perfectly balance two distinct personalities and easygoing beauty and strength.

The Rancher`s Courtship by Laurie Kingery

Although Caroline Wallace ca n't start her own family, she still manages to feel involved. Becoming the new schoolteacher for Simpson Creek helps her get over the pain of losing her fiancée, Pete, to the flu. Then, Jack Collier, his two children and several cows arrive, and he requests to stay in Texas till he is settled in Montana with his family. Unfortunately he ends up staying in Texas till spring break. Due to this turn of events, Caroline grows attached to Abby and Amelissa. Could a refined woman like her fall for an unpolished rancher....before he has to leave once more?


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The Rancher's Courtship (Laurie  Kingery).

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