The Circle of Sex (Laetitia Guivarché).

The book "The Circle of Sex" by Laetitia Gvinvarsche is an erotic story that is not purely a love story, thriller or even drama. It is very different from these types of books, with its focus being on youngsters who encounter something more daring than expected when joining a company holiday party.

Laetitia's novel has the element of being extremely sexual, passionate and erotic, but all with a grain of humor that allows the reader to understand that sometimes sex is fun and that life does indeed have a more frivolent side. What follows in John and Donna's life after becoming involved with a younger woman of their company also adds to a different kind of excitement when it comes to their relationships and emotions.

Laetitiua Gvinvarsch has shown that there is more than one way to tell erotic stories, and that being explicit and sexy can combine well with a variety of lighthearted elements.



The Circle of Sex (Laetitia Guivarché).

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