"От Ада до Небес" - вторая книга захватывающей городской фэнтези серии о богах и демонах, боевых искусствах и мифологии от автора "Белого Тигра". В книге присутствуют драконы и боевые искусства, наука и магия. Главная героиня, Эмма, на грани превращения в полноценного демона и отправляется в путешествие на гору Куньлунь на западе, дом дворцов Ню Ва и Желтого Императора, чтобы вернуть свою человечность. Вместе с ней путешествует дочь Сюань Ву, Симон, которая борется со своими возрастающими способностями и пытается защитить себя от демонов, желающих ее уничтожить. Майкл, в свою очередь, пытается осознать шок от открытия, что он может быть наполовину демоном.

Hell to Heaven by Kylie ChanIf this book is new to you, here's a quick summary I did:

The second book of an addictive urban fantasty series mixing gods, demons, martial artists, mythology, co-authored by the creator of White Tiger Dragons and martial arts inked with science and wielding magic – the fabulous sequel to the dark heaven trilogy which commenced with White Tiger, Emma hangs precariously on the verge of fully turning into a demon and embarks on a quest to reach the mansions of Nuwa in the Western Kunlun Mountains, the cradle of the emperor of the yellow, attempting to win back her humanity. Accompanying Emma on the journey is Xuanwu's daughter Simone, starting to develop a grip on her awakening strength and battling against the servants of darkness who desire to wreak havoc upon her. Meanwhile, Michael tries to come to grips with realizing ominously that he may be part demon…

Hell to Heaven is the stunning second novel in Kylie Chan's spellbinding Urban Fantasy series Gods and Monsters and begins the thrilling conclusion to her popular Dark Heavens Trilogy, set in a world where gore and action meet mythic sorcery.

Dragons, martial art, science and sorcery come together inare breathtaking tale of epic dangerand surprising love, as the richly imagined setting of ancient China is transformed by an onslaught that sets Emma on a cut-thru quest to the very heart of Heaven and vastly heightened suspicions about the mystery surround Michael, son of one of the fiercest demons hell has ever knownpursuing a destiny that threatens to consume all they hold dear.

Join us on Emma's dangerous quest into the palace of Yato, journeying deep into a mountain temple where demons have been transformed into exquisite works of pure light. Battling bitter cold and empowering adversaries equally, we violently rise from suspicion to poignant faith as we delve even deeper into theseam between human and demon.


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Hell to Heaven (Kylie  Chan).

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