Kylie Chan’s book Blue Dragon is a thrilling tale about a young man who is brought into the world of Gods and mages, where he must confront his destiny and save the balance of the universe.

The protagonist of this urban fantasy story is Yu Feng, who discovers that he is part of a lost family line of dragons. With his discovery comes an intense sense of belonging and duty that sets him on a journey towards self-discovery and fulfillment within a world that is rapidly evolving and chaotic.

Yu Feng must overcome the powerful antagonists that have infiltrated his world, utilize his martial abilities to protect those around him, and navigate the power dynamics inherent to the realm. Never losing sight of his mission, Yu Feng wrestles with spiritual forces, tangled webs of commerce, personal motivations, and developing attachments as he searches for his path, power, and family origins.

Kylie Chan is an Australian New Wave author who draws on her vast martial arts and martial art heritage not only in her fiction but also in her contemporary novel Master Wind and other writings.


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Blue Dragon (Kylie  Chan).

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