Der Erbfeind (Ungekürzt) (Kurt Tucholsky).

Kurt Tucholsky's "Der Erbfeind" is an excerpted, unabridged version of the author's classic novel and speaks to a core problem that is intrinsic to humanity. As the protagonist goes about his routine, he meets a man who catches his eye as familiar; a friend of a past life, perhaps? This new person gradually infiltrates the male protagonist's life as he explores from the men's perspective his illusory perception of reality.

As time passes, the more the nameless individual burrows deeper into the mental consciousness of the main character, revealing in depth the many plights a human being can face,

Смысл произведения заключается в серьезной критике мещанства и филистерства, которые обыватель видит в буржуазно-демократическом обществе Веймарской республики. Основной тезис автора – классовый мир внутри самой буржуазии и их поддержка монархии, невозможность без участия масс – народа быть свободным и сильным.


#зарубежная классика

Der Erbfeind (Ungekürzt) (Kurt  Tucholsky).

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