Книга “Rohrkrepierer” автора Конрада Лоренца - это захватывающий рассказ о природе и поведении животных, написанный с точки зрения зоолога. В книге автор исследует поведение животных, их инстинкты и реакцию на окружающую среду. Он описывает, как животные используют свои органы чувств и как они реагируют на различные ситуации.

Книга “Rohrkrepierer” - это не только научное исследование, но и увлекательное чтение, которое поможет читателю лучше понять мир животных и их поведение. Она также является прекрасным примером того, как наука может быть использована для улучшения жизни людей и защиты окружающей среды.

Konrad Lorenz (1903-89), renowned for his pioneering work on animal behavior, has created a classic study of desperate and brilliant criminal minds. Through his characterizations of eight remarkable offenders, Lorenz shows us truly breathtaking facets of humanity's oddest - and (he hopes) most often misunderstood - members. Sundry details, ascribed to the various characters in manageable scenarios, are woven together to allow Lorenz their own voice. Chronological, Lorenz at times narrates in a documentary fashion, and he takes the reader along with valued associates who all worked with the defendants, enabling us to see with their eyes vibrant scenes of carnage, high crimes, admissions, confessions and acquittals. Several remarkable figures are covered: Charles Manson, a disturbed loner whose ravings are a motivating source for the group he founded, the Family; Norma Desмонд, an airline stewardess who murderously attacked passengers using gas in 1978 working as a spokesman for this book; Aileen Wuornos, who conquered fear of the government by proudly running afoul of its labor laws as a crazed white woman who brutally castrated her victims in the South; Gilles de Rais, a nobleman who knocked a courtesan to heels after climbing into her bedchamber, perverting a founding member of St. Dominic's order; and Nicholas Roditis, a reckless automobile con artist who kidnaps prominent partners and devises elaborate schemes to wrest concolesion in Atlantic City.\nWith rare courage and grasping empathy, this underappreciated volume offers unparalleled insight into human minds sunk in desperation. Lorenz' manners leave no story untold and his narrative is impeccably researched as evidenced by the timeliness of much of the material with which he garnishes his tome.\nINSTORMING FEATURES: Eight powerful personalities joining forces include nightmarish tales of heroics in madness, rampage, obsession, impulsive actions, caps on the severity of fantasies and impossible realization of dreams.\nFULL-SCALE EXHIBITION FROM THE WORLD'S MOST DISTURBED SIGNS AND SIGNS: Lorenz lifts the lid on lunacy, igniting fires on individual demons, plunging into the readings and realities of primary sources in an attempt to communicate as much as immutable how these heads that are out of control clearly demonstrate layered type of stories.\nEXTENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY: Chapter headings are reinforced by as the socialics and selective literary selections giving the adult version of these humans for the clues found in tales, paintings, music, religion, philosophy and social science texts.\nSUGGESTED READING: Distinct value for philosophy folks, literature minded, therapy and mental health professionals, sociologists and criminologists, psychologists immersed in violently, philosophers of suffering, Stoics, analytical, Buddhist, parents of highly accused children, and anyone wanting a more thorough understanding of how our minds can became intricately intertwined in darkness.\nDESPERATE CRIMINAL MINDS comprehensively traces the roots of fury and the hidden depths of tragedy within each of people described in mentally fragile chapters.\nTransparently mellites and patients as well as dare men who forgot the ways of the society, despairingly painting the wild edges of a humanity that frequents few writers and filming media who do not easily empathizes with criminals and their sensibilities.\nSIDEWAYS: Lorenz understands that such a criminal psyche can communicate its struggles by paralleling our own thoughts, desires, choices and devastation.\nIt therefore aligns readers and listeners to the fetid depths from whence these towering individuals emerged.\nAll said, this knowledgeable and generous book deserves time out on even the busiest reading schedule and provided illuminating insight into a mass of subjects: magic, messianism, preternatural hindrances, reflexive appeal to cruelty, individual seclusion, abandonment, immoral living conditions, injustice, all the while attentiveness to surviving the deepest trenches of human life.'




Rohrkrepierer (Konrad  Lorenz).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Rohrkrepierer
  • Автор: Konrad Lorenz
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783837880038