Red Mars - это новая классика от Ким Стэнли Робинсон, автора серии книг “Вояджер Классика”.
В этой книге рассказывается о Красной планете - бесплодной и грозной планете, олицетворяющей мечты человечества о завоевании космоса. Начиная с первых пионеров, которые оглядывались на Землю и видели маленькую голубую звезду, и до первых колонистов - отобранных ученых с навыками, необходимыми для создания жизни из холодной пустыни - “Красный Марс” - это история нового рождения. Это также история о том, как человек должен бороться против своих собственных механизмов самоуничтожения, чтобы достичь своих мечтаний: еще до того, как он ступит на красную планету, формируются фракции, нарастает напряжение и готовится насилие… потому что цивилизация может быть очень нецивилизованной.

Another timeless masterpiece, from the Voyager Classic series, the story that ignited enthusiasm for colonizing Mars all over the world.Like everything by the man who created 2312 (a member of Voyager's Classic line), Red Mars engrosses one from its opening pages and never fails to shock one to hear how prophetic it all is.It is "science fiction", indeed, but a reserved, almost scientific in nature, in that it fails to beg or condone any overtly speculative viewpoint that might fade into obscurity or be otherwise deemed worn down on the face of the golden disc.For in Red Mars, we are sucked enthrallingly into a world that rides on steep slopes toward outright existential horrors, myriad of ideas for mankind to thwart, both here upon our bleak domain of home, Earth, and in the harsh, primitive surroundings of Mars itself.To read such a history for mens' quest for selflessness, self-preservation, self knowledge, and acknowledgement should instigate approximately 50 hours of nightmarish meditation and analysis inside the mind of fiction's most skilled architect.Read the book and strain yourself entirely upon the tether of terror that links the beyond-the-imagination personal with what humanity has trailed off doing where it has emplaced itself upon a desolate variety of tiniest of landscapes beyond our ability of calculation, recognition, and comprehension.But have no fear.Kim Stanley Robinson hath the knowledge and shrewd sensibilities to put you above and beyond those selfsame calculations.You just need to be seated, steeling your mind, and finding escape, at the moment of insight, into the thick fog of doubt and psyche-violation that this book bestows.And yes, there really are fiery Martian sands that immediately compute as a destiny of yours, should you, reader, ever find yourself blessed with a journey upon boarding the Starship Enterprise as first-mate.Oh, wait… that ship, wasn't built for another seventy years.Much like a better and more intelligent version of The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy or Foundation, Red Mars promises an unfathomable and gravity inducing interpretation that renders itself hopeless to comprehend with simple mental machinations.There is so much to ponder and analyze, that the pace seems impossible to digest at once.But do not despair, imagination alone will not suffice; intently follow the intricacies of this nightmare littered historical fiction, which itself gives rise to those fiery sands of Mars that are supposed to sum up one fragile walk about in illusive reality.A reminder: This flawless, sublime work stands on par with not just the classic fantastic literature, but philosophy and religious cerebrations as well.


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Red Mars (Kim Stanley Robinson).

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