Reviews in Computational Chemistry (Kenny Lipkowitz B.).

Книга “Reviews in Computational Chemistry” автор Kenny Lipkowitz - это седьмой том в успешной серии, разработанной для того, чтобы помочь сообществу химии быть в курсе многих новых разработок в области вычислительных методов. Стиль написания является свежим и педагогическим, позволяя студентам и исследователям получить доступ к вычислительным методам за пределами их непосредственной области знаний. Каждый приглашенный автор подходит к теме с целью помочь читателю понять материал, решить проблемы и быстро найти ключевые ссылки.

This is the seventh edition of a successful book series designed to keep the chemistry community current on many new advances in computational techniques and methods. In her review, Dr Elena Rizzo highlights several excellent features of the book.

Firstly, Dr Rizzo mentions that the writing style in this book is both refreshingly clear and informal, which makes it suitable for both chemists and graduate students new to computational chemistry. She believes that this style allows non-experts in areas such as mathematical modelling to easily grasp the essence of the topic covered.

Another standout quality of this book, according to Dr Rizzo, is its breadth of coverage. Even if you are not familiar with the authors' niche area of research, you can still find useful recommendations for many computational methods – making as a resource for anyone interested in learning about these methods. You will also be introduced to many key references regarding material covered in the volume.

Speaking about the editing process, Dr Lipkowitz collaborated closely with a number of experts in the field in order to make sure that this volume represents the state-of-the-art in computational chemistry, without missing out on the fundamentals. According to her, it is easy to see how the revision process took place in the book as Dr Lipkowtitz presents clear examples of improvements she would like to have made to previous editions. Of course, reviewers will see these improvements happen in practice. Overall, the author and editors worked exceptionally hard to create the best volume possible in the series.

Reflecting on weaknesses of the book, Dr Rizzo does mention that some parts could be discussed in greater detail. To give an example, when transpiring events do occur (spontaneous reactions or processes, for example), it would be valuable to have a clearer description of these processes so readers can better understand why certain things take place.

My own review of the group found that this book has grown even more useful as it continues to evolve through successive editions. Both in its clarity and compact contents, this resource continues to serve its purpose remarkably well.


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Reviews in Computational Chemistry (Kenny Lipkowitz B.).

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