The Stranger (Unabridged) (Katherine Mansfield).

The Stranger by Katherine Mansfield is a short story about a woman named Alice, who meets a stranger on a train during a journey to her aunt's house. The story is written in the form of diary entries she keeps regarding the events that take place during her journey. As she progresses through her life, she reflects upon her past, relationships and her hopes and dreams for her future. Katherine Mansfield perfectly weaves together the intricacies of Alice's mind with a seemingly accidental encounter with an unknown figure, and manages to leave her readers wondering what will become of their own self in the future, as Alice continues on her train journey.

The Stranger is a short story by Katherine Mansfield that was first published in Etta M. Holmes' Alibi on October 27, 1908, under the pseudonym "Marguerite Duras." The main character of the story is Tove, a young woman who invites a stranger into her house, Thomas Hardy, the manager of a shipping company, which is featured as the locale of her home town, Riverton. Although the setting is pacific and idyllic little by little the despondency and loneliness return and the atmosphere slowly builds dread and melancholy . Alan Hollinghurst describes it as "undoubtedly the world's most famous short work of 20th-century literature" and Samantha Rogers notes how the stories phenomenon survival, constantly retranslated into several languages and returning around the world, has directly contributed to Mansfield being considered one of "the prototypical 21 st -century writers". \t


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The Stranger (Unabridged) (Katherine Mansfield).

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